
Alignment or mapping of nucleotide sequencing reads

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Workflow to align nucleotide sequencing data (i.e. short (<1kb) paired-end reads) into reference genomes, call and count variants.


  1. Dowload align_fastq repository
git clone https://github.com/jeffersonfparil/align_fastq.git
  1. Install conda
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
sh ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
  1. Log out of the current session, then log back in to finish conda setup.

  2. Import and activate align_fastq conda environment

cd align_fastq/
conda env create -n align_fastq --file align_fastq.yml
conda activate align_fastq


Setup your alignment, and variant calling/counting pipeline. You will find the following files in align_fastq/config folder.

  1. groupings.txt: list of intended groupings of the paired-end reads, i.e. tells how to merge reads into vcf, pileup, and/or sync files

    • Formatted as headerless, two-columned, comma-delimited file
    • Column 1: group name, i.e. the name of the final *.vcf.gz and/or *.sync file/s
    • Column 2: basename of the paired-end read excluding the read 1 or 2 identifier (see item 2 above for more details) which belongs to the correspponding group in column 1
    • Note: one or more paired-end reads can belong to a single group
  2. params.config: list of parameters specific to your data set and variant calling (i.e. for individual sequencing data) or variant counting (i.e. for pool sequencing data)

    • dir_reads: location of the short paired-end sequencing reads (e.g. '/data-weedomics-1/align_fastq/test/reads')
    • ext_read_1: suffix of read 1 (e.g. '_R1.fastq.gz'; note that both reads of each pair needs to have the same basename excluding the read 1 or read 2 identifier, e.g. 'sample_A_R1.fastq.gz' for read 1 and 'sample_A_R2.fastq.gz' for read 2)
    • ext_read_2: suffix of read 2 (e.g. '_R2.fastq.gz')
    • adapters: fasta file containing adapter sequences used during sequencing (e.g. "${projectDir}/../test/IDT_for_Illumina_TruSeq_UD_and_CD_indexes.fa")
    • reference_genome: reference genome in fasta format (e.g. "${projectDir}/../test/ref/Lolium_rigidum_genome.fasta")
    • min_mapping_quality_Q: minimum mapping quality (e.g. 20 which equates to 0.01 error rate)
    • min_base_quality_Q: minimum sequenced base quality (e.g. 30 which equates to 0.001 error rate)
    • groupings: list of intended groupings of the paired-end reads (see item 1 above e.g. "${projectDir}/../config/groupings.txt")
  3. process.config: list of the computing resource allocation availble to you. Assign the number of cpus and memory capacity to use for low and high resources tasks:



Run for individual genotyping sequence data:

cd align_fastq/
time ./run_indiseq.sh

Run for pool genotyping sequence data:

cd align_fastq/
time ./run_poolseq.sh

Run each module individually, usually to troubleshoot:

time nextflow run modules/setup.nf -c config/params.config              ### Setup reference genome and Julia packages
time nextflow run modules/trim_and_qc.nf -c config/params.config        ### Remove adapters and perform quality check of the raw reads
time nextflow run modules/align.nf -c config/params.config              ### Align the reads to the reference genome
time nextflow run modules/pileup.nf -c config/params.config             ### Pileup the reference genome and assess the distribution of the breadth and depth of sequencing
### For Pool-seq
time nextflow run modules/synchronise.nf -c config/params.config        ### For Pool-seq data: convert the pileups into syncrhonised pileup format
### For Indi-seq
time nextflow run modules/dedup.nf -c config/params.config              ### For Indi-seq data: remove PCR duplicates from the raw reads
time nextflow run modules/variant_calling.nf -c config/params.config    ### For Indi-seq data: perform varant calling but first index the alignments, and add read groups, and finally merge the VCF files

### Print the most recent error log
cat $(ls -r work/*/*/.command.err | tail -n1)