
Use TradingView alerts' webhook functionality to post orders to OANDA's API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TradingView to OANDA


I'm setting up a web.py server that can run on PythonAnywhere (uploaded there through GitHub) which listens to TradingView alerts on a URL (i.e. webhook) and posts orders (and sets stop-losses, etc.) on OANDA through their API

Things to consider

  • A sell order isn't actually handled as a sell order, but as closing all open positions for the given instrument.
    • Note that if this signal is sent to OANDA when the markets are closed, it will be cancelled.
  • A buy order is handled as a limit order with a Good-Til-Date 15 minutes in the future.
    • That means that if it is sent when the markets are closed, it will most likely cancel (unless of course the markets open within those 15 minutes)

Supported parameters

Required parameters

  • action either buy or sell
  • ticker a six-letter ticker without any separator (e.g. EURUSD)
  • close the price you want to buy the instrument at (ignored for sells, see Things to consider)

Optional parameters and their defaults

  • units the size of the position to open as a positive integer, in the currency of the instrument (e.g. in Euros for "EURUSD" or gold for "XAUEUR"). Defaults to 500
  • trailing_stop_loss_percent the percentage points below close on which to start the trailing stop loss as a positive decimal. (E.g. to set it 5% below, enter 0.05.) Defaults to 0.01, i.e. 1%. See OANDA's documentation on trailing stops for more information.
  • take_profit_percent the percentage points above close to set the take profit at as a positive decimal. When the market reaches this point, the position is automatically closed. Defaults to 0.06, i.e. 6%
  • trading_type either live or practice, used to select the respective API key and account ID from your credentials.json file. Defaults to practice Any other parameters will not be handled, but are sent along. That means you will see them in your server logs.


  1. Set up development environment
  2. Install and set up the web.py server
  3. Have it listen to POST requests (test with Postman)
  4. Parse the parameters sent in the request to variables that can be sent along to OANDA
  5. Authenticate with the OANDA API
  6. Send a test order to OANDA's paper trader
  7. Add stop-losses and other risk management techniques to the OANDA call
  8. Connect the local web.py server with the OANDA API call
  9. Test if a request from Postman to the web.py server running locally reaches OANDA correctly
  10. Find out why my limit order didn't go through in the beginning, but cancelled because it reaches the GTD. Maybe the market was closed? If that was the case the market won't move and there won't be any signals, right?
  11. Add some kind of verification so that only I can send orders through my webhook
  12. Move the server to PythonAnywhere so that TradingView can reach it
  13. Setup TradingView to send an alert to the server on PythonAnywhere
  14. Have the server return the result of a POST request for easier Postman debugging
  15. Have the server translate what TradingView sends as {{ticker}} and {{close}} to what OANDA expects as instrument and price
  16. Make size optional with a default value set server-side
  17. Add different processing for buy and sell alerts
  18. Fix the fact that size works for XAUEUR, but not for EURUSD
  19. Rename close to price in the alerts and everywhere else, in case someone wants to use a different price
  20. Add more alerts to TradingView once I have ironed out the JSON in the alerts
  21. Automatically set price precision decimals and remove it as a parameter that can be messed with
  22. Wait and see if one of those alerts from TradingView reaches OANDA correctly
  23. Add a mechanism that notifies me of every order (email, maybe?)
  24. git pull the latest version to PythonAnywhere so that the email subject of sell orders is correct
  25. Code cleanup, more object-oriented, maybe?
  26. Think of a way to handle alerts based on the last candle of the day, which will most likely be triggering buys/sells when the markets are closed. Don't forget weekends


  • pip install web.py
  • pip install requests
  • pip install sendgrid, if you choose to use SendGrid's mail API to send order confirmations from PythonAnywhere to yourself
  • a credentials.json file containing a JSON like this:
  "oanda_practice": {
    "account_id": "<YOUR PRACTICE ACCOUNT ID>"
  "oanda_live": {
    "api_key": "<YOUR LIVE ACCOUNT API KEY>",
    "account_id": "<YOUR LIVE ACCOUNT ID>"
  "sendgrid": {
    "api_key": "<YOUR SENDGRID API KEY>",
    "email_address": "<THE ADDRESS TO SEND FROM AND TO>"


The webhook is only available on /webhook/<ACCESS_TOKEN> where <ACCESS_TOKEN> is one of the items in the JSON list in access_tokens.json. Create that file with the following contents:


Make sure to replace <ACCESS_TOKEN> with an access token of your choice (e.g. have DuckDuckGo generate one for you)

Note that these are the only valid endpoints. The server won't tell you anything if you're trying to reach it somewhere else.

Set up PythonAnywhere

  1. Create an account, if you don't have one already
  2. git clone this repository through a Bash console. (I'll assume you clone into /home/<USERNAME>/tradingview-to-oanda for the rest of the setup.)
  3. Go to the "Files" tab and upload your credentials.json and access_tokens.json to the repository's directory
  4. Create a virtualenv (I named it "tradingview-to-oanda" and used Python 3.7, see the docs):
mkvirtualenv tradingview-to-oanda --python=/usr/bin/python3.7
  1. Open the "Web" tab and create a custom web app
  2. Set the following parameters:
  • Source code = The directory you cloned the repository into
  • Working directory = The same directory
  • Virtualenv = The directory of the virtualenv you created, probably something like /home/<USERNAME>/.virtualenvs/tradingview-to-oanda
  1. Then open the WSGI configuration file linked from the Web tab
  2. Comment the HELLO WORLD bit (⌘+/ works here)
  3. Add this to the bottom:
# +++++++++++ web.py +++++++++++
# Added by me, based on https://help.pythonanywhere.com/pages/WebDotPyWSGIConfig
import sys
from server import app
application = app.wsgifunc()
  1. Save the file and go back to the Web tab
  2. Click the green Reload button
  3. Send a valid POST request to https://.pythonanywhere.com/webhook/<ACCESS_TOKEN> and see if it reaches OANDA

Add alerts to TradingView

  1. Add an alert to whatever condition you want, for example a custom-built study
  2. Check the Webhook URL box and paste the URL of your PythonAnywhere webhook including access token
  3. Make sure that the Message is a valid JSON containing at least:


  • The server is built in such a way that what TradingView sends as {{ticker}} is translated to what OANDA expects as instrument and close is translated to price
  • If you want to sell every position you have for this ticker, use "sell" as action