A relaxing fish tank aquarium simulator.
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- Used in "FishManager.cs" in class "FishManager"
- Used it so the fish could get a list of behaviours from the FishManager
- Used in "CoinManager.cs" in "GoldFish.cs"/"Perch.cs"/"Mullet.cs"
- Used to spawn coins from the different fishtypes
- Used in "FishBase.cs", in class "FishBase"
- I store the fish data / stats in scriptable objects, and inject them into fish when created as a base. The values are slightly randomized before getting set.
- Used in "LootManager.cs"
- LootData is taken from the droptables and injected into an object-pooled base instance of a loot object.
- Used in "FishBase.cs" in class "FishBase"
- Each fish has an array of behaviours it uses to perform the boid/flocking behaviour, these are divided up in separate components, and get applied on each "flocking-tick". This way I can easily add more behaviours later.
- Used in "Loot.cs" / "Coin.cs" / "Food.cs"
- At least I think it's composition? I'm honestly not sure...
- Used in "GameManager.cs" / "FishBase.cs"
- Game manager counts a given amount of frames before firing off a "OnTick" event as well as a "OnSchoolingTick" event, these are spaced out over several frames to lighten the load and prevent spikes. (and to only run expensive operations every X frames)
- Used in "UIManager.cs"
- It listens after changes in either fish count or money count and updates the UI accordingly
- Used in "LootManager.cs" / "LootTaxi.cs" / "ObjectPool.cs"
- The LootManager gameobject has two Object Pool components as well as a LootTaxi component that manages the ObjectPools. The ObjectPools have flags for if the pool should expand or not.
- Used in "Cursor3D.cs"
- The mouse cursor has different states for whether it's clicking, right-clicking, idle, etc. and changes mesh depending on what state it is.