
Library to manipulate Google Slide with Apps Script

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A library to manipulate Google Presentation Slides with Google Apps Script


Slides API GAS is still alpha, that means that for now there are only a few methods to manipulate tables or to build requests like in the advanced services of google apps script.

Next steps are:

  • images manipulation
  • text manipulation
  • more control on the tables (style, text modifications...)
  • ...

If you have any request, please do not hesitate to post it here


The installation process is done through 2 steps: Adding the library and authorizing the scope for the library to be used.

  • Adding the library: in your Google Apps Script do it from the menu:
    Resources > Libraries...


Then in the field 'Find a Library' add the id : **1XDkYy_U9mTwBQ964uLojuGoOqmSc0iicTuY5zFU3-dg_4sFq_2N8GrYH** ![Library installation](http://i.imgur.com/xony0kx.png)
  • Authorize the scopes by navigating in the menu:
    Resources > Advanced Google Services...

resources advanced Google services

Switch Drive API "on" and then click the link *Google Developers Console*. ![google dev console](http://i.imgur.com/vcFOPi3.png) In the Google Developers Console enable the two following scopes: - Google Drive API - Google Slides API ![slide and drive api](http://i.imgur.com/Vqci1H4.png)


Once installed the library can be used by calling SlideApi. Currently only two methods are supported openById and createSlide as well as the class presentations that is the equivalent of the advanced services of Google Apps Script. They should be available with autocompletion.

At the moment, Google Apps Script limitations do not allow autocompletion on sub-methods. The reference table will help you to build the sub-methods.

sub methods reference table

  • methods
Method Return type
openById(presentationId) slideObject
createSlide(name) SlideObject
  • sub-methods


Name Return type Brief description
getPageById(pageId) PageObject a page object for chaining (pageId: String)
getPages() Array of PageObject .


Name Return type Brief description
getPageId() String page id for ulterior identification
getName() String title of the slide
getSlideId() String id of the presentation
getElements() Object {tables:[tableObjects], images:[imageObject], shapes:[shapeObject], elemsCount:elems.length};
createTable(rows, columns, options) TableObject options {id, height, width, left, top}
getTableById() TableObject .
createImage(url, width, height, options) ImageObject options {id, top, left}
createTetBox(width, height, options) TextBoxObject options {top, left}


Name Return type Brief description
move(x, y, mode) ImageObject for chaining


Name Return type Brief description
setText() TextBoxObject TextBox for chaining
move(x, y, mode) TextObject for chaining


Name Return type Brief description
getId() String id of the element
getType() String return 'table'
getPageId() String id of the page where the element belong
getSlideId() String id of the presentation
move(x, y, mode) TableObject for chaining
getRows() number number of rows in the table
getColumns() number number of columns in the table
getValues() 2DArray a 2D Array like the one you can get in SpreadsheetApp
getRange_(row, column, numRows, numColumns) RangeObject Range object for chaining


Name Return type Brief description
getId() String id of the element
getPageId() String id of the page where the element belong
getSlideId() String id of the presentation
getValues() 2DArray a 2D Array like the one you can get in SpreadsheetApp
setValues(2DArray) RangeObject Range object for chaining
setBackgroundColor(r,g,b) RangeObject r: red color scale from 0 to 1 or 0 to 256 alternatively a #Color string
g: green scale from 0 to 1 or 0 to 256
b: blue scale from 0 to 1 or 0 to 256
/!\ to use the scale 0 to 256 at least one of the component must be higher than 1
  • classes
Name Brief description
presentations use the slideApi like the advanced Google Apps Script services
presentations methods
Method Return type Brief description
get(presentationId) responseObject
batchUpdate(presentationId, fields, request) responseObject presentationId: String fields: String, request: Object
create(fields, request) responseObject fields: String, request: Object
pages pageObject .
  • presentation.pages
Method Return type Brief description
get(presentationId, pageObjectId, fields) responseObject .


this code will create a new presentation and add some tables with style.

function launchSample() {
  // create a slide with name 'slide name'
  var slide = SlideApi.createSlide('slide name');
  // alternatively we could have used "slide = SlideApi.openById('slideId');""

  // retrieve the id of the created slide
  var slideId = slide.getId();

  // retrieve the pages of the slide
  var pages = slide.getPages();

  // get the last page
  var page =pages.pop();  
  Logger.log('got page ' + page.getName() + ' with id: ' + page.getPageId()); // return 'got page undefined with id: p' as there is no title and id of the first page is always 'p'

  // create a table with 5 rows and columns
  var table = page.createTable(5, 5);
  Logger.log('table id: ' + table.getId());

  // retrieve a range starting at row 2 and column 2 with size 3x3
  var rng = table.getRange(2,2,3,3);
  rng.setValues(testVals); // testVals is a 2DArray as the one you can retrieve from SpreadsheetApp

  // get the elements of the page
  var pageElements = page.getElements(); // is an object {tables, images, shapes, elementCount}
  Logger.log('list page elements: ' + JSON.stringify(pageElements));

  // retrieve the last table of the presentation (the same as before but an other way)
  var tbl = pageElements.tables.pop();
  tbl.getRange(1,2,2,3).setBackgroundColor(0.6, 0.8, 0.6);
  tbl.moveTable(40, 50);
  //Logger.log('tbl values: '+tbl.getValues()); // return the whole table
  Logger.log(tbl.getRange(2,2,2,2).getValues()); // return [[ein, zvei], [uno, dos]];

  // create a table with options
  var table2 = page.createTable(2, 2, options); // options is an object that let you specify size and position

presentation class example

This class will let you use the slideApi like the advanced Google Apps Script services.

function testPresentations() {
  var presentationId = 'ID_OF_YOUR_PRESENTATION';
  var pageObjectId = 'ID_OF_A_PAGE'; // use 'p' for the first page
  Logger.log(SlideApi.presentations.pages.get(presentationId, pageObjectId));