
A simplest-possible web-based rss reader you can host yourself with node and dropbox.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simplest-possible web-based rss reader you can host yourself with node and dropbox.


  • Install node
  • clone this repo into your dropbox
  • npm install
  • node app.js



  • j/k next/previous item
  • m mark as read/unread
  • r refresh reading list
  • s save item
  • S view saved items (shift+s)


  • npm install -g nodemon, if you don't have nodemon yet.
  • Easy mode: nodemon
  • Everything is a bit dicey so far; the code works, but it's unpolished.

TODO (in no particular order)

  • unread count
  • ? key for live help
  • reorganize, refactor, and port to TypeScript
  • labels to organize feeds
  • investigate node-webkit or other libraries to make an "app" for simpler setup
  • double the number of stars on this repo (Last doubling 4 on June 18 2013)