- Linear Types Can Change the Blockchain, Lucius Gregory Meredith
- paper
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01001
- tex : https://github.com/leithaus/pi4u/tree/master/ltcctbc
- I found via a different paper referenced at : http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view_group_subpage.php?id=6940
- reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/37b0t6/linear_types_can_change_the_blockchain/?st=iwxtw7n6&sh=0a20de4f
- paper
- references
- Computational interpretations of linear logic, Samson Abramsky
- other papers
- Jeff Polakow : Embedding a Full Linear Lambda Calculus in Haskell
- emulating linear types in Haskell
- typecoin
Runtime implementation of paper "Linear types can change the blockchain!" (in Haskell)