
A collection of Prolog implementations and exercices covering diverse topics


This repo groups together a series of programs I started developing during the Programming Languages and Methodologies course, taken as part of my Advanced Master's in AI at KU Leuven. This groups exercices in a SWish prolog notebook and prolog programs as part of exam preparations.

Among others, some key concepts I have explored here are:

  • Accumulators
  • Binary trees
  • Constraint logic programming (CLP)
  • Definite clause grammar (DCG)
  • Declarative and procedural meanings in Prolog
  • Difference lists
  • Failure-driven loops
  • General prolog syntax
  • Generate-and-test patterns
  • Heuristic functions
  • List manipulation
  • Reification (conversion of value tests into booleans)


  • All exercices are from the KUL
  • some solutions are directly taken from the professors answers
  • This was done in collaboration with a friend of mine whose name I will not disclose.