
Open Source Angular Material Theme as SPA for freelancers based on Start Bootstrap Theme

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@angular-material-extensions/freelancer-theme - Open Source Angular Material Theme as SPA for freelancers based on Start Bootstrap Theme

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@angular-material-extensions/freelancer-theme screenshot

Built by and for developers ❤️

Do you have any question or suggestion ? Please do not hesitate to contact us! Alternatively, provide a PR | open an appropriate issue here

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Table of Contents

View all the directives and components in action at https://angular-material-extensions.github.io/freelancer-theme

✔️ | SPA
✔️ | Easy to setup
✔️ | Fully Customizable via config.ts
✔️ | Built with Angular V7
✔️ | Material Design
✔️ | SEO friendly with angular universal

  1. Star this project then clone or fork the repository
git clone https://github.com/angular-material-extensions/freelancer-theme.git
  1. Go to the project folder and install the dependencies:
cd freelancer-theme && npm install
  1. Adapt the configuration file config.ts to suit your profile (see the below and usage section)

  2. Launch development server, and open localhost:4200 in your browser:

npm start
dist/                        web app production build
docs/                        project docs and coding guides
e2e/                         end-to-end tests
src/                         project source code
|- app/                      app components
|  |- core/                  core module (singleton services and single-use components)
|  |- shared/                shared module  (common components, directives and pipes)
|  |- app.component.*        app root component (shell)
|  |- app.module.ts          app root module definition
|  |- app-routing.module.ts  app routes
|  +- ...                    additional modules and components
|- assets/                   app assets (images, fonts, sounds...)
|- environments/             values for various build environments
|- theme/                    app global scss variables and theme
|- translations/             translations files
|- config.ts/                CONFIGURE THE SPA ON YOUR OWN HERE
|- index.html                html entry point
|- main.scss                 global style entry point
|- main.ts                   app entry point
|- polyfills.ts              polyfills needed by Angular
+- test.ts                   unit tests entry point
reports/                     test and coverage reports
proxy.conf.js                backend proxy configuration
  1. Open the config.ts file and adjust the properties to suit your profile
export const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = {
  title: 'Angular Material Freenlancer Theme',
  description: 'Web Developer - Graphic Artist - User Experience Designer',
  url: 'https://github.com/angular-material-extensions/freelancer-theme',
  domain: 'github.com',
  projects: projects,
  about: {
      'This Freelancer Theme is a free material theme created by angular material extensions based on Start' +
      ' Bootstrap.The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as ' +
      'optional LESS stylesheets for easy customization.',
      'Whether you are a student looking to showcase your work, a' +
      ' professional looking to attract clients, or a graphic artist looking to share your projects, this template ' +
      'is the perfect starting point!'
  social: {
    facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/',
    twitter: 'https://twitter.com/ngAnthonyy',
    github: 'https://github.com/AnthonyNahas',
    linkedin: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-nahas-926245119/'
  address: {
    country: 'Germany',
    state: 'Niedersachen',
    city: 'Göttingen',
    street: 'meine Strasse',
    zip: '1234'
  1. Open package.json and replace freelance-theme with either your favourite or repository name

  2. Change or remove the Track ID of Google Analytics in the index.html file and adjust the meta tags for SEO purposes

  3. Build or prerender the SPA a. Normal production build via npm run build:prod b. Prerendered production build via npm run build:prerender

  4. Deploy the dist directory to your favorite hosting service like github pages, firebase hosting, heroku...

per default this project uses github pages to host the app. This can be achieved via npm run deploy:demo

Main tasks

Task automation is based on NPM scripts.

Task Description
npm start Run development server on http://localhost:4200/
npm run serve:sw Run test server on http://localhost:4200/ with service worker enabled
npm run build [-- --configuration=production] Lint code and build web app for production (with AOT) in dist/ folder
npm test Run unit tests via Karma in watch mode
npm run test:ci Lint code and run unit tests once for continuous integration
npm run e2e Run e2e tests using Protractor
npm run lint Lint code
npm run translations:extract Extract strings from code and templates to src/app/translations/template.json
npm run docs Display project documentation
npm run prettier Automatically format all .ts, .js & .scss files

When building the application, you can specify the target configuration using the additional flag --configuration <name> (do not forget to prepend -- to pass arguments to npm scripts).

The default build configuration is prod.

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. You should not use ng serve directly, as it does not use the backend proxy configuration by default.

Code scaffolding

Run npm run generate -- component <name> to generate a new component. You can also use npm run generate -- directive|pipe|service|class|module.

If you have installed angular-cli globally with npm install -g @angular/cli, you can also use the command ng generate directly.

Additional tools

Tasks are mostly based on the angular-cli tool. Use ng help to get more help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.

Code formatting

All .ts, .js & .scss files in this project are formatted automatically using Prettier, and enforced via the test:ci script.

A pre-commit git hook has been configured on this project to automatically format staged files, using (pretty-quick)[https://github.com/azz/pretty-quick], so you don't have to care for it.

You can also force code formatting by running the command npm run prettier.

What's in the box

The app template is based on HTML5, TypeScript and Sass. The translation files use the common JSON format.


Development, build and quality processes are based on angular-cli and NPM scripts, which includes:


Coding guides

Other documentation

Built by and for developers ❤️ we will help you 👊


Copyright (c) 2019 Anthony Nahas. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)