
Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Environment that makes your website design simpler to implement and easier to maintain.

Primary LanguageCSS


Core mixins from Compass, the Sass-based stylesheet authoring environment.


  • NodeJSServer-side JavaScript runtime
  • HarpThe static web server with built-in preprocessing



To install Compass Core, you can download this repository or use the Component package manager.

npm install -g component
component install harp/compass

Your project will look something like this…

myproject/                 <-- your project root (or public dir if in framework-mode)
  |- component/            <-- harp puts components here
  |   +- harp/             <-- where this lib is installed
  |       …
  |- main.scss             <-- where you reference Compass Core
  +- index.jade            <-- where you reference main.css


Now, from within an .scss file in your project, you can @import Compass:

@import "components/harp-compass/scss/compass";

By default, Compass Core doesn’t include the Layout or Reset modules. You may choose import those, too:

@import "components/harp-compass/scss/reset";
@import "components/harp-compass/scss/compass";
@import "components/harp-compass/scss/layout";

Or, simply import a portion of Compass:

@import "components/harp-compass/scss/css3";


This component is Compass, which is Copyright © 2008-2009 Christopher M. Eppstein and MIT licensed.