
TinnitusTalk.com classification and visualisation

Primary LanguagePython

TALK-3: TinnitusTalk.com classification and visualisation


  • check out repository
  • install Python dependencies for crawler, topic assignment, classification and aggregation-api: pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • crawls https://tinnitustalk.com, stores the result in data/talk3_posts.csv
  • do only run if really necessary, better get the existing file
  • to run:
./crawler$ scrapy crawl tinnitustalk -L INFO

topic assignment

  • takes the crawled posts and a definiton file (e.g. committed in data/treatment_definitons), outputs all posts that a treatment was detected in with the treatment name in an additional column
  • requires a model for sentence splitter: python3 -m nltk.downloader punkt
  • example call:
< data/talk3_posts.csv python3 topic_assignment/detect_treatment.py -d data/treatment_definitons.txt > data/treatment_detected.csv


  • trains a model to classify sentences by sentiment polaritiy and personal experience
  • requires lexicon for "vader" feature: python3 -m nltk.downloader vader_lexicon
  • requires corpora for "textblob" features: python3 -m textblob.download_corpora
  • expects the extracted sentences as data/treatment_detected.csv
  • stores the classified sentences as data/sentences_classified.csv
  • to run:
./classifier$ python3 RandomForestTool.py


  • aggregates the data from classifier and topic assigment, makes it accessible via a JSON API.
  • you have to create a config-file named config.cfg in the folder. A template is provided as config-template.cfg.
  • to run:
./aggregation-api$ python3 app.py


  • a web-application visualising the data served by the API
  • requires aggregation-api to be running, its location can be configured with the api_base_url config value in aurelia_project/environments
  • to install dependencies, first install Aurelia, then run npm install from the visualisation-app directory
  • to run, either just open index.html or run au run --watch for starting a small html server
  • to build for production, run au build --env prod, then copy index.html and scripts/ to the production machine