Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Technologies with REACT

Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,





GitHub: https://github.com/BanuPrakash/REACT

Softwares Required:

  1. Chrome Web browser with following extensions 1.1) add React Developer tools [ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/react Search : react] 1.2) add Redux DevTools [ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/redux Search : redux]
  2. Visual Studio Code [ https://code.visualstudio.com/ ]
  3. NodeJS Latest LTS [ https://nodejs.org/en/download/ ]


Scripting language ==> Interpreted / JIT compile => JavaScript engine Loosely typed ==> based on the literla values ; engine will treat the variables as particular data type.

variables are variant data type

x = "Jack"; // string x.toUpperCase();

x = 24; // number x++;

x = false; // boolean

x = [4,6,2];

x = null; // in future Object is assigned

Data types ==> string, number, boolean, array, object, undefined, null

we use "var" keyword to declare a variable

"use strict"; // enforces variables to be declared before using it

var name = "Peter";

x = 24; // invalid


var g = 100; // global variable

function doTask() { var a = 10; if( g > a) { var b = 20; c = 30; }

console.log(g, a, b, c);


doTask(); console.log(g, a, b, c);

JavaScript runs on JS engines

JS engines:

V8 ==> google --> chrome / nodejs

SpiderMonkey ==> FireFox / [ Acrobat ]


Nashorn ==> Oracle ==> Java

JS engine internals: ==> Execution context ==> Global Context.png


function add(x, y) { return x + y; }

console.log(add(4,5)); // 9

function add(x, y) { console.log(x + y ); // 9 }

let res = add(4, 5);

What is the value of "res" ? // undefined


Semi-colon insertions ==> tokens, keywords, AST

function add(x, y) { return x + y; }

console.log(add(4,5)); // ? ==> undefined


JS stack, callback queue, Web Api, event loop

timed() and clicked() are callback functions:


setInterval(function timed() { console.log("Timed!!!"); }, 100);

$("#btn").click(function clicked() { console.log("clicked!!!"); });



In JavaScript functions are data types

var name = "Shyam";

var fn = function() {};

// anonymous function

setInterval(function () { console.log("Timed!!!"); }, 100);


OOP with JS

Object has state and behaviour

Account instance/object will have "balance" ==> state; credit() and debit() are behaviour/action/methods of Account

  1. Object function to create a Object

var obj = new Object();

"new" keyword to create object

Object(); // calling a function which exectes on "Global Context"

new Object(); // create its own context [ it gets its own "this" pointer; won't take "this ==> window"]

obj.x = 10; //state obj.y = 15; // state

obj.print = function() { console.log(this.x + "," + this.y); }

obj.print(); // context is "obj"; within "print() "this" refers to "obj"

  1. Function constructor pattern

function Person(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; }

var p1 = new Person(10, "Smitha");

var p2 = new Person(34, "Hema");


2.1) adding methods to function constructor

function Person(id, name) { this.id = id; // state this.name = name; // state }

// adding methods ==> behaviour Person.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }

Person.prototype.getId = function() { return this.id; }

var p1 = new Person(10, "Smitha");

var p2 = new Person(34, "Hema");




function add(x, y) { return x + y; }

var add = new Function("x", "y", "return x + y"); // inherits from "Object"


  1. JSON ==> JavaScript Object Notation {}

    ==> generally used as a representation of data which will be a part of payload between client <==> server

    XML vs JSON

    // singleton var product = { "id": 1, "name" : "iPhone", "price" : 89000.00 };

    key / instance variable / field ==> string value can be string, number, boolean, function, array, undefined, null, object

array of products:

	{"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"},
	{"id":2,"name":"Onida","price":4444.44,"category" : "tv"},
	{"id":3,"name":"OnePlus 6","price":98444.44,"category" : "mobile"},
	{"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"},
  	{"id":5,"name":"Samsung","price":68000.00,"category" : "tv"}


  • bind() method

var product = { "id": 1, "name" : "iPhone", "price" : 89000.00, "getName" : function() { return this.name; } };

product.getName(); // iPhone

var ref = product.getName; // product context is not taken; hence refers to window when "this" is used

ref(); // this.name ==> window.name

var cref = product.getName.bind(product); // bind context also

cref(); // this ==> product

var person = { "name" : "Geetha" }

var pref = product.getName.bind(person); pref(); // Geetha


function update(name) { this.name = name; }

var product = { "id": 1, "name" : "iPhone", "price" : 89000.00, "getName" : function() { return this.name; } };

var person = { "name" : "Geetha" }

update.call(person, "Rita"); // changes person.name to "Rita" ==> context is "person"

update.call(product, "Pixel"); // context is "product" ==> within update -=> "this" refers to "product"


If we use "use strict"; ==> concept of default going to "global context" will fail


JSON, function prototype, call / apply , bind

================================================================================= Functional style of programming ==> functions which are not tightly coupled to state of object

High Order function ==> HOF

  • functions which accept other functions as arguments ==> all callbacks are implemented
  • functions which return a function
  • ==> treat functions as first class members just like primitive and object

var data = [4,5,7,8,2,55];

var products = [ {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":2,"name":"Onida","price":4444.44,"category" : "tv"}, {"id":3,"name":"OnePlus 6","price":98444.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}, {"id":5,"name":"Samsung","price":68000.00,"category" : "tv"} ] for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { console.log(data[i]); }

for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { alert(data[i]); }

-- HOF: function forEach(elems, action) { for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { action(elems[i]); } }

forEach(data, console.log); forEach(products, console.log); forEach(data, alert);


Commonly used HOF:

  • filter to get a subset based on predicate function
  • map to transform data
  • reduce to get aggregate on data ==> sum(), avg(), max(), count() ==> single value from collection
  • forEach


HOF ==> functions returning a function ==> Closure

function greeting(msg) { return function(name) { return msg + " " + name; } }

// closure is a concept where a returned function can access all the members of outer function

var gm = greeting("Good morning"); // gm has a refernce to "msg" and "greeting" funciton ==> closure gm("Rahul");

greeting("Good morning")("Rahul"); // Currying



Closure can be used in Memoize design pattern

Memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

getProduct(4); ==> REST API call to Spring Boot ==> MySQL database server ==> returned value ==> convert to JSON ==> return JSON

getProduct(5); ==> REST API call to Spring Boot ==> MySQL database server ==> returned value ==> convert to JSON ==> return JSON

getProduct(4); ==> get from cache


JavaScript version ==> ECMA ==> JS 5

ES2015 ==> ES 6 and ESNext


ES 2015/ ES6 or ES Next ===> transpile / transcompile ==> ES 5 version

  • Babel Babel is a free and open-source JavaScript transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript that can be run by older JavaScript engines.

  • Tracuer


ES2015/ ES 6 features:

  1. Block level scope variables and constant [ let , const]

var g = 100; // global variable const PI = 3.14159; function doTask() { var a = 10; if( g > a) { let b = 20; // scope is within the block c = 30; }

console.log(g, a, b, c); // b is not visible




  1. Arrow functions

let add = (x, y) => { return x + y; }


let add = (x, y) => x + y;

var evens = filter(data, function (d) { return d % 2 === 0; });

var evens = filter(data, d => d % 2 === 0);

Default values:

let add = (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) => x + y + z;

add(); add(10); add(4,5); add(5,2,1);


  1. Destructuring and spread operator [ ... ]

3.1) array

var colors = ["red","green","blue","orange"];

ES5 way: var r = colors[0]; var g = colors[1];

ES6 way:

var [r, g, ...other] = colors;

console.log(r); // red console.log(other); // ["blue","orange"]

3.2) object var p = {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"};

ES 5 way: console.log(p.name);

var {name, price} = p; console.log(name); // iPhone


  1. Clone

var p = {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"};

var ref = p; // reference

ref.name = "OnePlus";

p.name ==> "OnePlus";


var copy = {...p}; copy.name = "Samsung";

var data = [6,8,1];

var copyelem = [...data]; // copy


  1. Promise API A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. ==> Future

    Synchronous function:

    var res = doTask(); // blocking code ==> execute on stack console.log(res); // line executes only after doTask() complete

    If doTask() was returning a eventual result [resolved / rejected] ==> Promise

    doTask().then( (data) => code for resolved, (err) => code for rejected )

    console.log("done"); // doesn't wait for promise to complete

fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users") .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch( err => console.log(err));


Promise.all() ==> use case ==> Aggregator application ==> Make My Trip ==> Promise ==> Hotel Promise ==> Airline Result which has hotel and air fares

Promise.any() ==> use case ==> multiple servers have same data [ CDN ] ==> interested in first response


  1. async and await ==> easy way to use Promise API


  1. Generator are functions which can return multiple values

    function* mySaga() { console.log("task 1"); console.log("task 2");

     yield "first output";  
     console.log("task 3");
     console.log("task 4");
     console.log("task 5");
     yield 100; // return 
     console.log("task 6");
     yield "bye!!"


    var iter = mySaga(); iter.next(); {done:false, value: "first output"} ... iter.next(); {done:false, value: 100} ... iter.next(); {done:false, value: "bye"}

    iter.next(); { done: true, value : undefined}


  1. Class and ES 6 Module ==> cover along with Webpack

  2. template literal ==> string

var name = "Harry"; var program = "React";

var msg = `

Hello ${name} Welcome to ${program}


Traditional ES 5 way:

msg = "

Hello" + name + "Welcome to " + "program" + "


ES 5 Module System using IIFE IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined

(function() { // code })();

let productModule = (function() { var data = 100; // private within the module function doTask() { console.log(data); someTask(); }

function someTask() { // private
	console.log("some task!!!");
return {


productModule.doTask(); // 100

productModule.data; // not visible productModule.someTask(); // not visible

let orderModule = (function() { var data = 999; // private within the module function print() { console.log(data); } function doTask() { } return { printInfo : print, doTask } )();

orderModule.printInfo(); // 999 orderModule.doTask();


DOM ==> Document Object Model ==> language independent tree of objects created from XML / HTML

document is the root object

  1. access dom element using ID



  1. access dom element by tag name


  1. access dom element by class name

document.querySelectorAll("classname") document.querySelector(".hero-item-image")

querySelector and querySelectorAll can be used to get DOM elements by ID, tagName, class name, attribute


HTML and CSS ==> w3school


<style> body * { margin: 10px; border: 1px solid blue; } </style> FORM



<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

======== Capturing

<style> body * { margin: 10px; border: 1px solid blue; } </style> FORM


<script> for(let elem of document.querySelectorAll('*')) { elem.addEventListener("click", e => alert(`Capturing: ${elem.tagName}`), true); elem.addEventListener("click", e => alert(`Bubbling: ${elem.tagName}`)); } </script>


Day 2

Recap: JS, Context, Event loop and callback, variable hoisting, OOP, bind, call, Functional style of Programming with HOF, Closure, ES2015, DOM

BOM ==> Browser Object Model ==> Window, History, Address, History

DOM ==> Document Object Model ==> tree of objects from XML or HTML

document ==> is the root element

  1. document.getElementById("id of element")
  2. document.getElementsByTagName("element"); // array of elements
  3. document.querySelector("id, tag, class, attributes") document.querySelectorAll("tag, class, attributes")



document.createElement() method creates the HTML element specified by tagName let element = document.createElement(tagName[, options]);

let elem = document.createElement("button");

let newContent = document.createTextNode("Hi there and greetings!");


Hi there and greetings!


document.getElementById("someid").innerText = "Hello"

let txt = document.getElementById("someid").innerText

document.getElementById("someid").innerHTML = "




Event Handling: ==> when an event occurs we want a callback to execute [ handler]

DOM elements generate events

click : The event occurs when the user clicks on an element

change : The event occurs when the content of a form element, the selection, or the checked state have changed (for input, select, and <textarea>)

focus = The event occurs when an element gets focus

blur = The event occurs when an element loses focus

load = The event occurs when an object has loaded [ document loaded we need to perfom some task]

Low Level events: keydown The event occurs when the user is pressing a key keyup The event occurs when the user releases a key keypress The event occurs when the user presses a key

mousedown = The event occurs when the user presses a mouse button over an element mouseup = The event occurs when a user releases a mouse button over an element mouseover = The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element, or onto one of its children mouseenter = The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element mouseleave = The event occurs when the pointer is moved out of an element


target.addEventListener() sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target.


jQuery Document Ready function

// this function gets called only after DOM tree is created ==> it's a callback gets invoked when document .onload event is triggred

$(function() { // event handling code });



$("#destinations"); ==> # by id

$(".del"); ==> . by class

$("p"); ==> tag name


"); ==> create div

$("div"); // get all divs

=========== Bootstrap CSS Framework

Bootstrap grid system ==> row, col

Bootstrap ==> card

Bootstrap ==> navbar, forms


AJAX ==> Asynchronous JavaScript API for XML / JSON

Ajax allows you to update parts of the DOM of an HTML page instead without the need for a full page refresh.

JS ==> XMLHttpRequest

jQuery simplified using XMLHttpRequest

================================ Event Handler:


$("#btn").on("click", () => {



$(".del").on("click", () => {


// eventual created object $(document).on("click", ".del", () => {



Arrow function context:

let product = { "name": "TestProduct", "getName" : function() { return this.name; ==> this ==> product } }



let product = { "name": "TestProduct", "getName" : () => { return this.name; // window ==> not product } }

product.getName(); // gets the context from execution scope


let product = { "name": "TestProduct", "getName" : function() { setTimeout(() => { console.log(this.name); }, 100) } }



DOM and jQuery

BackBone, Handlebars, Mustache, .... <== jQuery will be useful



Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.

Refer: nodejs.svg

Where can i use NodeJS?

  1. Web applications run on client machine a) Developers may choose to write the code in "ES2015" / TypeScript / LiveScript / CoffeeScript /DART Browsers needs ES5. NODEJS platform can be used to transcompile [ Babel / TSC] "ES2015" / TypeScript / LiveScript / CoffeeScript /DART to ==> ES5

    b) Bundle my files to avoid including multiple scripts in html without bundling

     			<script src="products.js"></script>
     			<script src="productlist.js"></script>
     			<script src="cart.js"></script>
     			<script src="customer.js"></script>
     			<script src="login.js"></script>
     		minimum 100+ such files in project
     		==> 100+ network calls from browser to server	
     		Solution is bundle files 
     		<script src="vendor.js"></script> <!-- REACt library, jQuery, lodash, ... -->
     		<script src="bundle.js"></script> <!-- all our UI components -->
     		NODEJS platform can be used to bundle
     c) Run tests [ unit testing / E2E testing]
     d) Minifiy ==> reduce file size be removing empty spaces
     e) Uglify ==> bignames to shorterform [ function ProductConstructor() ==> function p()]
  2. To build APIs build and run server applications to serve ==> JSON 2.1) RESTful Web services ==> Express.JS 2.2) GraphQL Web Service ==> Apollo

  3. Real time application 3.1) Streaming of data [ OTT] ==> Netflix, Prime, HBO, Disney + Hotstar 3.2) Chatbots 3.3) Realtime update of Dashboard [ Admin Dashboard / Stock prices/ ...]

Don't use it for ==> CPU intense operations and blocking code [ RDBMS interaction ]

========================================= IIFE (function() { })();

Node.JS uses CommonJS module system

exports and require()


NODE JS project

myapp>npm init --y

NPM ==> Node Package Manager same as PIP / Maven

  • download dependencies from repository into "node_modules" folder
  • publish module
  • run scripts

YARN is an alternate to NPM

===================================== npm i lodash

"dependencies": { "lodash": "^4.17.21" }

"lodash": "^4.17.21" ==> version 4.17.21 and above

	"lodash": "4.17.21"    ==> exact version

	"lodash": "~4.17.21" ==> major version has to be "4"; minor and patch can be anything

Team member: npm i


npm i -D mocha chai request package.json

"dependencies": { "lodash": "^4.17.21" }, "devDependencies": { "chai": "^4.3.4", "mocha": "^9.1.0", "request": "^2.88.2" }


Unit testing in JavaScript

Unit Testing libraries ==> Jasmine, Mocha, JEST

Angular ==> Angular Test Bed ==> built on Jasmine

React ==> React Testing Library ==> built on JEST

Mocha ==> good for server api


Chai ==> Assertion library https://www.chaijs.com/

Testing AAA ==> Assemble [ Test Suite], Action [ add(4,5), click on button], Assertion [ expect result to be 9]

it("server handles add", (done) => { request('http://localhost:3000/add?x=100&y=10', (error, response, body) => { var expected = "1410"; expect(expected).to.be.equal(body); done(); }) })

JEST Framework

let fn = jest.fn(); // mock

it("server ,,", (fn) => ..)



Bootstrap; Arrow function Context


Chrome ==> Chrome webstore ==> React DevTools and Redux DevTool


ab -n 1000 -c 200 http://localhost:3000/add?"x=20&y=15"


JavaScript Build tools used in nodeJS environment: ==> Automate tasks Grunt, Gulp, Browserify, Webpack

  • Transcompiler ==> Babel, TSC [ Typescript Compiler], DART, CoffeeScript
  • Bundle
  • LINT ==> Static Code analysis;
  • test
  • uglify
  • minify

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting.

Angular or React application development using Commmand line interface ==> comes with bundled webpack

Test Vulnerabilites of NPM using: https://snyk.io/vuln/search?

===================== npm init

npm test

npm start

Webpack example:

  1. create a folder "webpackexample"

  2. webpackexample> npm init --y

  3. webpackexample> npm i webpack webpack-cli -D

  4. mkdir src

  5. src/index.js with ==> console.log("Hello World!!!");

  6. package.json

"scripts": { "dev" : "webpack --mode development", "prod" : "webpack --mode production" }

  1. to run the scripts:

npm run dev npm run prod

creates "dist/main.js"

  1. HTMLWebpackPlugin

The HtmlWebpackPlugin simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles. This is especially useful for webpack bundles that include a hash in the filename which changes every compilation

vendor.js bundle-hash.js main-hash.js

30k + ==> seperate bundle


<script src="main.js"></script>

npm i -D html-webpack-plugin

Configure HTMLWebpackPlugin to be used ==> webpack.config.js

const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); // installed module const path = require('path'); // node module

module.exports = { plugins : [ new HTMLWebpackPlugin({ template: path.resolve("C:\Users\banup\Desktop\Adobe_web\REACT\webpackexample", "src", "index.html") }) ] }

npm run dev check dist/index.html has "main.js" script <-- HtmlWebpackPlugin will include this

  1. webpack-dev-server

Use webpack with a development server that provides live reloading.

bundled code is added to index.html by HtmlWebpackPlugin we need to run the "index.html" on server

==> in actual production code ==> npm run prod ==> what's there in "dist" folder should be placed aon actual web server [ Apache, IIS, Nginx , along with Jetty / Tomcat ==> Spring Boot]

webpack-dev-server ==> is a light weight server suitable for testing not real world server ==> not for production

npm install webpack-dev-server -D



  1. css-loader and style-loader

The css-loader interprets @import will resolve them.


import "./styles/style.css";

Product.js import "./Product.css";

Customer.js import "./Customer.css";


It's recommended to combine style-loader with the css-loader

Automatically injects styles into the DOM using one <style></style>.

npm i -D css-loader style-loader


  1. ES2015 / ES 6 ==> ES5

Transcompile:==> Babel

npm i @babel/core babel-loader @babel/preset-env -D

@babel/preset-env is a smart preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript


@babel/preset-react ==> JSX


{ test : /.js$/, use: "babel-loader", exclude :/node_modules/ }

CommonJS module system: module.exports and "require"

ES6 Module system: uses "export" and "import"

  1. npm i lodash

main.js includes ==> Person.js + math.js + styles.css + lodash.js

3rd party libraries need to be seperated into another "chunk" file ==> Future we can optimize by lazy loading

Core Web Vitals: FCP problem

optimization: { splitChunks: {"chunks": "all", name: "vendor"} }

chunks:"async" <== only lazy loaded module

react-router-dom ==> Lazy loading


optimization: { splitChunks: {chunks: "all", name: "vendor"} }




Webpack ==> Module bundler webpack.config.js ==> Plugins, loaders [ css-loader, Style-loader, babel-loader], optimization

Babel ==> Transcompile


project ==> npm i



Rendering = data ==> Presentation

  • Server-Side Rendering

data was converted to presentation [ HTML / PDF / Image] on server and sent to client

  1. JSP, Themeleaf, Servlet ==> server side code in JAVA
  2. PHP
  3. ASP, ASP.NET ==> .NET on server side
  4. EJS, PUG, JADE ==> JavaScript for Server side
  • Web applications ==> Client Side Rendering

data[ JSON/ XML / CSV] is sent to client machine and on client machine convert to presentation

  1. DOM
  2. jQuery Library
  3. Templates ==> Mustache, Handlebars, underscore

Example: Data:

{ person: { firstname: "Yehuda", lastname: "Katz", }, }


{{person.firstname}} {{person.lastname}}
  1. Advanced View Libraries and Frameworks ==> JavaScript MVC ==> Can.js, Steal.js ==> Knockout ==> Backbone.js ==> MVC Framework ==> Model ==> data; Controller ==> UI interactions ; View ==> Template ==> Angular.js ==> Google ==> MVC [ Dirty Checking ] ==> 1.6 was the last version ==> React ==> View Library [ Virtual DOM ] ==> Angular ==> MVC Framework ==> Zone.js ==> version 2 ==> version 12

SPA ==> Single Page Application ==> index.html


React.js building blocks View Components == UI Components

  • createElement()
  • functional component
  • class component

Register: codepen.io ==> Playground for React


Behaviour: Save --> Off; preview --> off

JavaScript Preprocessor:

Babel ==> Babel includes JSX processing. [ React code uses JSX ]

  • createElement()

Include: 1) https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/17.0.2/umd/react.production.min.js


let Welcome = React.createElement("h1", {style: {'color':'red'}}, ' Welcome to React World!!!');

// console.log(Welcome);

ReactDOM.render(Welcome, document.getElementById("root"))


Reconcillation ==> VDOM ==> DOM


Welcome to React World

let Welcome = React.createElement("div", {style: {'color':'red'}}, React.createElement("h1", null,' Welcome to React World!!!'));

  • functional component returns multiple react elements with one root element


  • props

function Welcome(props) { return

{props.msg} {props.trg}


ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("root"))


var data = [ {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":2,"name":"Onida","price":4444.44,"category" : "tv"}, {"id":3,"name":"OnePlus 6","price":98444.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}, {"id":5,"name":"Samsung","price":68000.00,"category" : "tv"}];

function ProductList({title, products}) { return


{ products.map(p =>


) }

ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))


note: we should have single root element ==> JSX


  • props ==> data passed from parent to child

  • class Component

state and behaviour // extends ==> inheritance ==> Specialization

class Product extends React.Component { state = { product: {"id":1,"name":"iPhone"} };

render() {
	return <div>
				{this.state.product.name} <br />
     <button type="button" onClick={this.doTask}>Click</button>

doTask() { console.log("Hello!!!") } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))

========= class Product extends React.Component { state = { product: {"id":1,"name":"iPhone"} };

render() {
	return <div>
				{this.state.product.name} <br />
     <button type="button" onClick={() => this.doTask()}>Click</button>

doTask() { console.log(this.state.product.name) } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))


Click OR <button type="button" onClick={() => this.doTask()}>Click


state = { "customers" :[{ "id": 1, "firstName": "Rachel", "lastName": "Green ", "gender": "female", "address": "Blore" }, { "id": 2, "firstName": "Chandler", "lastName": "Bing", "gender": "male", "address": "West Street" }, { "id": 3, "firstName": "Joey", "lastName": "Tribbiani", "gender": "male", "address": "Kattegat" }, { "id": 4, "firstName": "Monica", "lastName": "Geller", "gender": "female", "address": "some address" }, { "id": 5, "firstName": "Ross", "lastName": "Geller", "gender": "male", "address": "some address " }, { "id": 6, "firstName": "Phoebe", "lastName": "Buffay", "gender": "female", "address": "some address" } ] };

======================= https://yehudakatz.com/2011/08/11/understanding-javascript-function-invocation-and-this/ https://reactjs.org/docs/faq-functions.html

Day 4

  • React.createElement()

  • functional component

  • class component ==> state and behaviour

  • JSX ==> JavaScript XML ==> Babel converts JSX into React.createElement()

  • we need to have root element

function App() { return


Good Day


class Mycomponent extends React.Component {

render() {
		return <div>




function App() { return <React.Fragment>


Good Day

</React.Fragment> }


function App() { return <>


Good Day

</> }


npx create-react-app customerapp


NPM ==> Node package manager ==> download dependencies into "node_modules" folder or "global folder [ AppData/Roaming/npm]"

npm i -g create-react-app

create-react-app customerapp

NOW: npx create-react-app customerapp

Scaffolding code: customerapp ==> project setup with built-in webpack config; App.js index.js ==> entry point

==> Rendering code ..


customerapp created with following dependencies:

"dependencies": { "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.4", "@testing-library/react": "^11.1.0", "@testing-library/user-event": "^12.1.10", "react": "^17.0.2", "react-dom": "^17.0.2", "react-scripts": "4.0.3", "web-vitals": "^1.0.1" }

React ==> "react": "^17.0.2"

Rendering ==> "react-dom": "^17.0.2"

Core Web Vitals for FCP , TTFB, LCP, CLS == "web-vitals": "^1.0.1"

"react-scripts": "4.0.3" ==> internally configured to run webpack

"scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", "test": "react-scripts test", "eject": "react-scripts eject" }

"start": "react-scripts start" same as "webpack serve --mode development"

"build": "react-scripts build" same as "webpack --mode production"

"eject": "react-scripts eject" ==> gets lowlevel configuration used by the project ==> webpack.config.js babel.config.json, ... ==> once the project is ejected; ==> everythin you need to configure


function App() { return (

Customer Application
); }


function App() { return

Customer Application


REACT Css is applied using


==> "class" is a keyword


<React.StrictMode> similar to <React.Fragment> ==> gives details about using un-safe [ life cycle ] code in React

StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. Like Fragment , StrictMode does not render any visible UI.

Webpack ==> index.js ==> App.js ==> bundle.js HtmlWebpackPlugin ==> includes this in "index.html"


Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

function CustomerRow(props) {


class CustomerRow extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } }


6 customers

txt ==> Geller

customers ==> Monica Geller and Ross Geller

txt ==> Bing

tries to filter from customers ==> Monica Geller and Ross Geller

== Solution ==> complete ==> immutable

txt ==> Geller

from "complete" list ==> customers

customers ==> Monica Geller and Ross Geller

txt ==> Bing

filter from complete ==> Chandler Bing



CustomerList CustomerRow Filter


state = { x: 100, y:50, z:30 }

this.setState({ y : 77 })

==> retain x and z value only y is updated


  • Testing

  • Unit testing ==> Jasmine, Mocha and JEST ==> do testing of React components ==> React Testing Libary on top of JEST RTL adds additional assertion apis to test components

  • E2E testing ==> Cypress / Selenium


React Testing library:

access elements using : getByXXX() ==> throws exception if not found queryByXXX() ==> returns null if not found findByXXX() ==> Promise API => eventual component created ==> async creation ==> Server ==> component created based on response on server

also use low level DOM apis

  1. ...


    getAllByRoleName("button") ==> all button


  2. Welcome to React


getByPlaceHolderText("search by name")

ReactDOM.render(, ..); <== UI Component

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';

render(); <== no UI; DOM in Memory is created ==> not visual

================== npm test -- --coverage


Integration testing 
render(<App/>) ==> renders <CustomerList/> ==> <Filter /> also 6 <CustomerRow />

Unit testing
<CustomerRow />


Mock fn as callback for deleteCustomer(id);

Mock data for Customer

<Filter />



A complete end-to-end testing

customerapp> npm i -D cypress

============================= "scripts": "cypress" : "cypress open"


"e2e" folder ==> "customerdelete.spec.js" and "filter.spec.js" cypress.json ==> configuration for "integrationFolder" and "test files extenstion"

package.json ==> scripts "cypress": "cypress open"

npm run cypress

Harry Potter






npx create-react-app phoneapp


Unit testing => RTL ==> Developer creates component ==> He should test it

E2E ==> cypress


Weekend task: web development assignment.zip

place images in "public" folder


  1. Component LifeCycle

  2. shouldComponentUpdate()

class Child extends React.Component { render() { console.log("child renders"); return

Child: {this.props.name}

} }

class Parent extends React.Component { state = { count : 0, name : "Banu" }

render() {
	console.log("Parent renders");
	return <>
			{this.state.count}, {this.state.name} <br />
			<Child name={this.state.name} />
			<button onClick={() => this.increment()}>Click</button>
increment() {
		count: this.state.count + 1

} ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))


shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return JSON.stringify(this.props) !== JSON.stringify(nextProps); }

this.props < == existing props

nextProps < == new props comming from parent shouldComponentUpdate will be called before it updates this.props with nextProps


class Child extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return JSON.stringify(this.props) !== JSON.stringify(nextProps); } render() { console.log("child renders"); return

Child: {this.props.name}

} }

class Parent extends React.Component { state = { count : 0, name : "Banu" }

render() {
	console.log("Parent renders");
	return <>
			{this.state.count}, {this.state.name} <br />
			<Child name={this.state.name} />
			<button onClick={() => this.increment()}>Click</button>
increment() {
		count: this.state.count + 1

} ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))

======================== PureComponent will have shouldComponentUpdate() implmentation done, ok to use if props is simple type

class Child extends React.PureComponent { render() { console.log("child renders"); return

Child: {this.props.name}

} }


how to avoid re-rendering if its functional component

function Child(props) { console.log("child renders"); return

Child: {props.name}


class Parent extends React.Component { state = { count : 0, name : "Banu" }

render() {
	console.log("Parent renders");
	return <>
			{this.state.count}, {this.state.name} <br />
			<Child name={this.state.name} />
			<button onClick={() => this.increment()}>Click</button>
increment() {
		count: this.state.count + 1

} ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))


Solution is use React.memo() an High Order Component

const MemoChild = React.memo(Child);

What code could be there in React.memo()

function memo(Child) { if(nextProps... != props...) { return Child(); } return; }


React.memo() example:

function Child(props) { console.log("child renders"); return

Child: {props.name}


const MemoChild = React.memo(Child);

class Parent extends React.Component { state = { count : 0, name : "Banu" }

render() {
	console.log("Parent renders");
	return <>
			{this.state.count}, {this.state.name} <br />
			<MemoChild name={this.state.name} />
			<button onClick={() => this.increment()}>Click</button>
increment() {
		count: this.state.count + 1

} ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))



class Parent extends React.Component { emailRef = React.createRef();

state = { email: "" } render() {

	return <>
			{this.state.email} <br />
			<input type="text" ref={this.emailRef}  id="txt" />
			<button onClick={() => this.getData()}>Click</button>
getData() {
		email: this.emailRef.current.value

} ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"));


<input type="text" ref={input => {this.emailRef = input}} />

======= npx create-react-app phoneapp

phoneapp> npm i bootstrap styled-components react-router-dom


Day 5


Display reciepes


React Context ==> React 16.3 version


const Button = styled.button/* Adapt the colors based on primary prop */ background: ${props => props.primary ? "palevioletred" : "white"}; color: ${props => props.primary ? "white" : "palevioletred"}; font-size: 1em; margin: 1em; padding: 0.25em 1em; border: 2px solid palevioletred; border-radius: 3px;;


Normal Primary


npm i react-router-dom


Why Router API

  1. SPA ==> single Page Application ==> SEO Different URLS should show different views

    http://amazon.com/mobiles/iPhone http://amazon.com/mobiles/Samsung

    http://amazon.com/tvs http://amazon.com/tvs/Sony


  2. bookmark

  3. Navigation between views [ Back and forward is between views and not different websites]

  4. should be be able to protect some Routes http://amazon.com/cart ==> should allow access only to users who have logged in

  5. Lazy load components




Server Side Routing: ==> request to server

Client side Routing ==> uses react-router-dom:


App.js ==> React-router-dom index.js ==> include bootstrap


  1. Replace App.css from share.zip
  2. Replace Navbar.js from share.zip
  3. place Button.js from share.zip in "components" folder

==> Check usage of Styled-components in Button.js and "Link" from react-router-dom [Navbar.js]


  1. index.html: google fonts and fontawesome ==> icons

  2. index.js import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'

  3. App.css has some styling done

  4. App.js ==> configured ==> react-router-dom ==> BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route

  5. Navbar.js ==> Bootstrap navbar + Link for React-router-dom + Button Styled components

  6. Button.js is a styled-component


  1. copy data.js into "src" folder

  2. copy "img" folder from "share.zip" into "public"

========================================== 9) React Context: Context.js


3rd Party components: https://www.primefaces.org/primereact https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/



React Development Tools chrome extension

Product.js and Context.js



id is pathparam



Cart.js ==> ProductList ==> get cart from context ==> based on products present in "cart" render CartList ==> Product


Complete "increment() and decrement()"

  1. Context.js add these 2 and expose
  2. Cartlist ==> productContext to consume and assign to Button

====================================== JSON Server : full fake REST API with zero coding https://github.com/typicode/json-server

db.json { "posts": [ { "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" } ], "comments": [ { "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 } ], "profile": { "name": "typicode" } }

CRUD operations supports

http://server/posts http://server/comments http://server/posts/1

where "data.json" resides phoneapp> npx json-server --watch data.json --port 1234

http://localhost:1234/products http://localhost:1234/products/3 http://localhost:1234/customers http://localhost:1234/orders


npm i axios


headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer: tokenvalue'} ==> JWT Token


  • React Hooks
  • State Management using Redux


Day 6

  • react-router-dom ==> SPA

  • styled-components ==> Button ==> Component with CSS based on props

  • React Context ==> Provider, Consumer, React.useContext() ==> Hook to simplify using Consumer in functional Component ==> Goal of React Context is avoid passing props thro intermediary component

  • json-server to fake REST APi

==> main.chunk.js ==> having all your components ==> vendor..js ==> having modules from "node_modules" ==> bundle.js ==> react specific

==> Lazy loading of components based on Routes

video templates => default state ==> video, name, .. [] constructor ==> render componentDidMount() ==> API call ==> pull the data from server update the state

==> many lazy loading ==> order [ top down, bottom to up, concurrently] ======================================================

ErrorBoundary Component:

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component { state = { error: null, errorInfo : '', hasError: false }

componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) { this.setState({ hasError: true, error, errorInfo }); }

render() { if (this.state.hasError) { // You can render any custom fallback UI return

Something went wrong.

; } return this.props.children; } }


React Hooks:

Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features in functional component without writing a class.

  • class component has life cycle method

  • class component can have state and behaviour

  • class MyComponent extends React.Component {} // inheritance

  • class Component still used in ErrorBoundary , Context Provider, HOC, ..

React Hooks:

  1. React.useContext() let {products} = React.useContext(ProductContext);

instead of in class component:

{ value => { return value.products.map(p => ) } }
  1. React.useState()

function App() { let [count, setCount] = React.useState(0); let [user, setUser] = React.useState("Banu");

				Count { count} {user} <br />
				<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Click</button>


ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))

  1. React.useReducer() ==> state is complex ==> as in customer has json data with association with order and address. ==> Conditionally update the state Example: cart[{},{}, {}] is a state ADD_TO_CART, REMOVE_FROM_CART, REMOVE_ALL

     Reducer will have state
     Reducer needs Action, which  will be in the form of:
     payload is product
     	"type": "ADD_TO_CART",
     No Payload
     	"type": "REMOVE_ALL"
     payload will be id
     	type: "REMOVE_FORM_CART",

let initialState = {count : 0};

// reducer function let countReducer = (state, action) => { switch(action.type) { case "INCREMENT" : return {count : state.count + action.payload}; case "DECREMENT": return {count: state.count - 1}; default: return state; } }

function App() { let [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(countReducer, initialState);

function handleIncrement() { let action = {"type": "INCREMENT", payload: 10} dispatch(action); } return( <> Count { state.count}
<button onClick={() => handleIncrement()}>Click </> ) }

ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"))


let initState = { cart:[], total: 0 }

let cartReducer = (state, action) => { switch(action.type) { case "ADD_TO_CART": return { cart : state.cart.push(action.payload), total: state.cart.map(p => p.price).reduce(0.0, (v1,v2) => v1+ v2) }, case "REMOVE_ALL": return { cart: [] } } }


  1. React.useEffect() can be used to implement methods similar component lifecycle methods

    The Effect Hook lets you perform side effects in function components

    Data fetching, setting up a subscription, and manually changing the DOM in React components are all examples of side effects.

// componentDidUpdate React.useEffect( () => { console.log("1. effect", count); });

// componentDidMount React.useEffect( () => { console.log("2. effect", count); },[]);

React.useEffect( () => { console.log("3. effect", count); },[count]);

React.useEffect( () => { console.log("4. effect", count); },[user]);


function App() { let [count, setCount] = React.useState(0); let [user, setUser] = React.useState("Banu");

// componentDidUpdate React.useEffect( () => { console.log("1. effect", count); });

// componentdidMount React.useEffect( () => { console.log("2. effect", count); },[]);

// call only if "count" dependecy changes React.useEffect( () => { console.log("3. effect", count); },[count]);

// call this only if "user" dependecny changes React.useEffect( () => { console.log("4. effect", count); },[user]); return( <> Count { count} {user}
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Click </> ) }

ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"));


  1. React.memo() ==> not a React Hook, but HOC for avoiding re-render of functional components shouldComponentUpdate() or extends React.PureComponent

function Button({ handleClick, children }) { console.log('Rendering button - ', children) return ( {children} ) }

const MemoButton = React.memo(Button);

const MemoButton = React.memo(Button, function (prevProps, nextProps ) {


Memoize of Button is not preventing Button from re-rendering

  1. React.useCallback() useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed.

const incrementAge = React.useCallback(() => { setAge(age + 1) }, [age]);

const incrementSalary =  React.useCallback(() => {
	setSalary(salary + 1000)


function Title() { console.log('Rendering Title') return (

Example: Title

) };

const MemoTitle = React.memo(Title);

function Button({ handleClick, children }) { console.log('Rendering button - ', children) return ( {children} ) }

const MemoButton = React.memo(Button);

function Count({ text, count }) { console.log(Rendering ${text}) return

{text} - {count}

const MemoCount = React.memo(Count);

function ParentComponent() { const [age, setAge] = React.useState(25) const [salary, setSalary] = React.useState(50000)

 const incrementAge = React.useCallback(() => {
	setAge(age + 1)
}, [age]);

const incrementSalary =  React.useCallback(() => {
	setSalary(salary + 1000)

return (
		<MemoTitle />
		<MemoCount text="Age" count={age} />
		<MemoButton handleClick={incrementAge}>Increment Age</MemoButton>
		<MemoCount text="Salary" count={salary} />
		<MemoButton handleClick={incrementSalary}>Increment Salary</MemoButton>


ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("root"));


npx create-react-app my-app --template redux

React Hooks:

  1. useState()
  2. useReducer() => if complex state and conditional update of state using ACTION and dispatch
  3. useContext() ==> simplifies using ReactContext Consumer
  4. useEffect() ==> functionalities similar to component life cycle
  5. useCallBack() ==> to memoize the callback function


React.memo() ==> memoize state ==> not a Hook ==> HOC


State Management with Redux


shoppinglist-base.zip ==> extract

where package.json> npm i

Actions ==> ADD, REMOVE and REMOVE_ALL


npm i redux react-redux


Redux Middleware



thunkexample.zip extract ==> folder => npm i

==> project contains thunk middleware and axios [ npm i axios redux-thunk]

=== Steps:

  1. npx create-react-app thunkexample

  2. folder> npm i redux react-redux axios thunk redux-thunk

  3. Actions.js export const FETCH_USERS_REQUEST ="fetch_request"; export const FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS ="fetch_success"; export const FETCH_USERS_FAILURE ="fetch_failure";

  4. ActionCreators.js


export const fetchUsersRequest = () => { return { type: FETCH_USERS_REQUEST } }

export const fetchUsersSuccess = (users) => { return { type: FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS, payload: users } }

export const fetchUsersFailure = (error) => { return { type: FETCH_USERS_FAILURE, payload: error } }


const initialState = { loading : false, users: [], error: "" }

export const userReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch(action.type) { case FETCH_USERS_REQUEST: return { ...state, loading : true } case FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS: return { loading : false, users: action.payload, error: '' } case FETCH_USERS_FAILURE: return { loading : false, users: [], error: action.payload } default: return state; } }


React Redux Hooks: import {useSelector, useDispatch} from 'react-redux'; useSelector() ==> mapStateToProps() useDispatch() ==> mapDispatchtoProps()

with these 2 hooks no need for connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)

  1. thunkapi.js import axios from 'axios';

import {fetchUsersRequest, fetchUsersSuccess, fetchUsersFailure} from './ActionCreators';

export const fetchUsers = () => { return function(dispatch) { dispatch(fetchUsersRequest()); axios.get("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/") .then(response => { dispatch(fetchUsersSuccess(response.data)); }) .catch(error => { dispatch(fetchUsersFailure(error.message)); }) } }

  1. App.js

import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import {userReducer} from './redux/Reducers';

import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import Users from './Users'; //https://medium.com/@ethan.reid.roberts/stuck-in-the-middleware-with-you-c667acb01fc let store = createStore(userReducer, compose(applyMiddleware(thunk), window.REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION()));

function App() { return (

thunk example

); }

export default App;

  1. Users.js

import {fetchUsers} from './redux/thunkapi'; import {useSelector, useDispatch} from 'react-redux'; import React from 'react';

export default function Users() { //The selector is approximately equivalent to the mapStateToProps argument to connect conceptually. const state = useSelector(state => state); console.log(state); // mapDispatchToProps const dispatch = useDispatch(); let {loading, error, users} = state;

React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return <>
            loading ? <h1> Loading....</h1> : users.map(user => {
                return <h1 key={user.id}>{user.name}</h1>



Thunk and Redux in mini-project