
A simple project to put in practice the interpreter and compilers principles in rust

Primary LanguageRust

Arithmetic parser

A simple project to put in practice the interpreter and compilers principles in rust, this uses the interpreter architecture: AST, Parser, Tokenizer.

The project is documented for study purposses


To build the project you'll need to install the rustc and the respective dependencies before that you can call cargo run or cargo build and excecute the standalone binary.

$ git clone https://github.com/harpiechoise/ArithmeticParser.git
$ cd ArithmeticParser
$ cargo run # For run the project


$ git clone https://github.com/harpiechoise/ArithmeticParser.git
$ cd ArithmeticParser
$ cargo build # For build an standalone excecutable

Building the docs

For build the docs you can use the cargo doc command

$ git clone https://github.com/harpiechoise/ArithmeticParser.git
$ cd ArithmeticParser
$ cargo doc # For build the docs

And cargo doc --open to inspect the documentation

$ cargo doc --open

This will display the documentation in the browser

Run the test

For purposes of extending the arithmetic compiler you can run the tests to ensure is all working with the cargo test command

$ cd ArithmeticParser
$ cargo test


The integration test aren't written yet, but may be include in futures releases.