
Supplementary and Workflow for Harpur et al. 2015 (Insect Sociax)

CanadAdmix: Supplemenatary Material for Harpur et al.

##STRUCTURE example files:

  • extraarams file = extraparamsrefs
  • mainparams file = mainparamsrefs
  • example input file = STRUCTUREExample.stru


  • This dataset contains all data collected from the colonies genotyped in the study
  • Column headers are as follows:
    1. CollectionProvince - province beekeeper lives in
    2. CollectionCity - city beekeeper lives in
    3. BreederCity - city beekeeper purchased colony
    4. BreederProvince - province beekeeper purchased colony
    5. BreederCountry - country beekeeper purchased colony
    6. Subspecies.Group - Self identified subspecies or group from beekeeper
    7. C - % C lineage
    8. A - % A lineage
    9. M - % M lineage

##Supplemental Files 1 and 2:

  • These files are the collection card (file 1) and sampling instructions (file 2) sent to all beekeepers incldued in our study.