
crypto ish


Cryptocurrency based website that displays cryptocurrencies and attributes of each coin. Making requests from the Coincap API. Be able to create an account with a username/password/email. With an account you can save specific cryptos to a list and also add a footnote under each saved crypto(ex: your personal thoughts on a crypto or market predictions). Upon clicking a crypto be lead to a new page displaying more information and history of the coin/a line graph depicting price history.

Team #3 -- Mongeese

  • Jason Harr
  • Hector Zaragoza
  • Steven Lopez
  • Emily Barwinczak





Technologies used:

  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Node
  • React
  • Express
  • Bootstrap



Installation Instructions

  • npm i
  • run 'nodemon' on the server side and 'npm start' on the client side
  • use the following as an API_KEY=16d58009-528d-4a65-9107-71d3c124a0f6

User Stories

User can create a profile to visit a page to learn more about what cryptocurrencies are, then have a dashboard that shows the top cryptocurrencies (stretch goal: ticker of general crypto news stories a la News of the World), the user can select coins to add to their "Follow" list and upon pressing on one, be led to a show page that shows a line graph of the specific coin's historical data. (stretch goal: make this run in "real-time" using websockets). The show page will also display a ticker of news stories specific to that coin. The user will be able to note down their thoughts on individual coins.

Link to Server Repo