
R workshop for bioinformatics (and more!)

Primary LanguageR


Gabriela Morgenshtern, Department of Cells and System Biology, University of Toronto, Canada.

Cait Harrigan, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada.

  1. About:
        1.1. Overview
        1.2. Requirements
  2. Workshop Information:
        2.1 Request a workshop
        2.2 Webpage
        2.3 Ploting
  3. Contributions

1 About:

1.1 Overview

This repo holds scripts that accompany our R workshop for bioinformatics (and more!). This workshop is intended for first time R users, especially those interested in using R for bioinformatics. Previous programming experience is not necessary.  

1.2 Requirements

You will need to download and install on your system:


2 Workshop information

We offer this workshop for free, upon request (and subject to our personal availability) because we love bioinformatics.

It works best for 10-20 attendees, however up to 50 can be accomodated if there are volunteers available to help run it.

The workshop runs in 1 hour, but can be modified to run in 2 upon request. For the 2 hour version, we will also cover some basics of statistical modelling in R.

2.1 Request a workshop

To request a workshop, please send an email, and CC both organizers.

Gabriela Morgenshtern g.morgenshtern[at]mail.utoronto.ca

Cait Harrigan cait.harrigan[at]mail.utoronto.ca

For more information, please see the workshop webpage


3 Contributions

CH and GM contributed equally to the development of this workshop.

CH built and maintains the webpage.

The material here was put together with reference to learning units developed by Dr. Boris Steipe