is a package that's meant to make life easier for students of BYU's Scientific Computing Course. It serves to make debugging some phases of the project easier, and is used as example and base code for others.
Open the Julia package manager and run:
pkg> add https://github.com/BYUHPC/WaveSim.jl.git
can be removed with:
pkg> remove WaveSim
The WaveSim
package can be used to interactively check your assignment output files--for example, given an input file in.wo
, you can see if your C++ code compiled to wavesim_serial
is correct, and figure out what's wrong if not:
shell> ./wavesim_serial in.wo out.wo
julia> using WaveSim
julia> wgood = WaveOrthotope(open("in.wo"));
julia> solve!(wgood)
julia> wtest = WaveOrthotope(open("out.wo"));
julia> if !isapprox(wgood, wtest)
println("out.wo is incorrect")
println("Damping coefficients: $(dampingcoef(wgood)), $(dampingcoef(wtest))")
println("Simulation times: $(simtime(wgood)), $(simtime(wtest))")
println("Max u difference: $(max(abs.(wgood.u - wtest.u))...)")
println("Max v difference: $(max(abs.(wgood.v - wtest.v))...)")
is provided as a lazily loaded artifact. You can use the provided wavefiles
function to access files therein:
small2din = WaveOrthotope(wavefiles(2, :small, :in)) # small-2d-in.wo
tiny3dout = WaveOrthotope(wavefiles("3d-tiny-out.wo"))
wavediffbinary = wavefiles("wavediff")