
Purdue CS348 Spring 2018 - Project 2

Primary LanguagePLSQL

Purdue CS 348 Information Systems - Project 2: PL/SQL

@Harris Christiansen (christih@purdue.edu) HarrisChristiansen.com
April 2018


  • Perform some common database operations using PL/SQL


  1. Pro_order_status: Generate the report based on state of the orders for last month and last year. Find the total number of orders in delayed and shipped states over last month (last 30 days) and last year(last 12 months).
  2. Pro_prod_report: Generate a report based on inventory of the products into 3 categories
  3. Pro_age_categ: Find the top category ordered by customers of different age groups.
  4. Pro_category_info: Generate a report to display the details about each category. These details include the number of units of that category ordered, the average unit price of the products in that category, the average discounted amounts given.
  5. Pro_search_customer: Given a customerid, find the details about that customer.
  6. Pro_search_supplier: Given a supplierid, find the details about that supplier and the products provided by the supplier.