
A sample Sinatra example for use in training at NICAR 2015

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby seems cool, but can you build web stuff with it?

Yes! This section of the class will discuss how to build websites with Ruby.

The biggest and most popular web framework in Ruby is of course Ruby on Rails, but Rails is really fancy and complicated and not really the best introduction to web development in a single hour class. So, we're going to try something simpler.

Sinatra is a lightweight Domain-Specific Language Framework for creating simple web applications in a simple fashion. In this class, we'll build a simple web application with Sinatra to give you an idea of some basic concepts of web frameworks in Ruby.

Setting Up Your Machine

First, you need to pull this project down locally to a folder on your machine. If you are using a training computer, this has already been done for you. Otherwise, open the terminal on your machine and run

git clone https://github.com/harrisj/nicar-sinatra.git

If you don't have git on your machine, you will need to install that first. Alternatively, you can download the Github application for the Mac or Windows. Then you can use the Clone in Desktop button on the Github page to pull down. In a pinch, you can always just download a ZIP archive of this project instead.

If you want to get it working, we first need to install a few things on your machine.

  • Ruby (might be already on your machine; 2.0 or above is preferred)
  • The Sqlite3 database library.

We will also need to install a few gems. This is made simpler by using the bundler gem. To setup this project, run the following steps:

  • gem install bundler
  • bundle install (this will install all other gem requirements)

You might need to run these commands as sudo if they fail because of permission issues. Once you have this, we should be good to go.

Starting The Lesson

To make sure you are up-to-date and ready to go, run the following steps:

  1. Open the terminal and cd to wherever you first cloned this repo to
  2. Run git pull origin master to make sure you have the latest version
  3. Open this project in your favorite text editor (SublimeText, Textmate, etc. can open the whole folder). Otherwise, you can use things like vim or emacs or even simple text editors like Notepad or such to edit single files. Do not use Microsoft Word or other word processors if you can help it.

A Simple Web Application

As I said before, Sinatra is a lightweight Domain-Specific Language Framework for creating simple web applications in a simple fashion. Wow, this got jargontastic fast. But it's actually pretty cool. A domain-specific language is a subset of a programming language that is used only for specific problems. Sinatra is a special language that is for building websites like so

get '/hi' do
  "Hello World!"

Nerd Note: This is still Ruby code, but it's written in a special way to make it easier to just define a website in a few lines of streamlined code. What is happening here is we are calling a method named get defined by Sinatra with 2 arguments: the relative URL route to respond to and a Ruby block containing the code to run when remote browsers connect to that route. What Sinatra does is create a registry of routes and actions and startup a web server to handle remote requests. This is many, many many more lines of code...

 def get(path, opts = {}, &block)
   conditions = @conditions.dup
   route('GET', path, opts, &block)

def route(verb, path, options = {}, &block)
  # Because of self.options.host
  host_name(options.delete(:host)) if options.key?(:host)
  enable :empty_path_info if path == "" and empty_path_info.nil?
  signature = compile!(verb, path, block, options)
  (@routes[verb] ||= []) << signature
  invoke_hook(:route_added, verb, path, block)

# and so on...

...but as users of Sinatra, we don't have to worry about all that busywork and just can use the minimal amount of code to do the work we need to do

Look at lesson_one.rb for an example of a really simple Sinatra application. This app seems pretty basic, but it's really powerful to write a web app like this in a few simple lines. To run it, type ruby lesson_one.rb and you should see something like the follwing output in your terminal

Sinatra/1.4.5 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.6.3 codename Protein Powder)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4567/hi and see what your app does. Not bad for a few lines of code! Like I said before, Sinatra is doing all the hard work of defining the webserver, so our 3 lines of code gets expanded outward into a full web application.

Now, let's try this request http://localhost:4567/. Uh oh! It's an error! Time to add another route for that.

get '/' do
  redirect to('/hi')

Reload in the browser, and it still doesn't work. Ooops. We need to ctrl-C Sinatra and restart it with ruby lesson_one.rb again and now it works. What you should see when you call http://localhost:4567/ is that it redirects to http://localhost:4567/hi. Your browser follows the redirect automatically and loads the new page, but what a request to http://localhost:4567/ looks like is this

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Location: http://localhost:4567/hi
Server: thin
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

Let's try one more thing here for kicks. Routes do not necessarily have to be single strings, they can be complicated and dynamic. Add this to lesson_one.rb.

get '/hello/:name' do
  "Hello #{params[:name]}!"

Restart Sinatra and go to http://localhost:4567/hello/ruby to see what happens here.

Your Turn: We want to make this a little prettier and able to properly capitalize people's names:

  • Use Ruby's String#capitalize method to capitalize the name even if the request is lowercase
  • This is HTML we're sending to the browser, so try wrapping the name in <strong> or <em> or other tags. If you use <blink> I both disapprove and accept you are exactly like me.

Remember you will have to restart Sinatra to see these changes take effect

HTML Templating

Right now, our current applications are pretty simple, but it's time to consider a little bit of organization. Enter the Model-View-Controller paradigm! It sounds pretty technical, but all it means is that we build our web apps from three basic types of parts:

  • Model - classes that represent your data and best how to work with it
  • View - templates written in special HTML or other markup
  • Controller - methods that describe how your app should respond to a web request and use models to render a view

This sounds complicated, but we've already been using controllers in our previous lesson. There we defined a few routes and the corresponding controller blocks to run when those pages were requested. And we even saw how they might print out some HTML directly to the browser. You could build HTML in the controller blocks like that, but it's a bit awkward. Instead, let's move our HTML markup out from inside the controller and put it into a separate file. Look at views/hello.erb for a simple example of an template file view. Let's look at the template and you'll notice a line like this

<h1>Hello <%= @name %></h1>

This kind of looks like HTML, but there is a special tag <%= @name %> in there that isn't HTML at all. What is that? Look at our lesson_two.rb for this templateized version of our hello route from lesson one:

get '/hello/:name' do
  @name = params[:name].capitalize
  erb :hello

Notice two interesting things about our revised method:

  • There is the @name variable we saw in our template being given a value
  • The next line tells Sinatra to render an embedded ruby template in the views directory called hello.erb

Embedded Ruby? This is a templating language where we can take ordinary HTML and embed ruby declarations within it using <%= %> for things we want included in the output and <% %> for commands like <% if visible? %> we don't. Why do this? It's a lot easier to use an external template file than to build up a string within our methods. It's also easier to have our designer create the HTML format we want and then wire up the templates with embedded directives like this. ERB is simple because it looks like HTML, but it's not the only choice. Here is the same page in another templating language called HAML with a really different syntax.

Nerd Note: Some of you might be wondering how Sinatra knew to look in the views directory for the hello.erb file. In some languages like Java, we would probably have to define a configuration file in XML or something that told Sinatra that our view named hello is located at the views/hello.erb. These configuration files are usually annoying though, since they are an extra file to edit and often out-of-date on a fast-developed project. So, often a lot of Ruby projects like Sinatra or Rails take the approach of convention over configuration, where the framework defines certain conventions it expects your project to follow in naming and locating files. So, by default, Sinatra expects views to be located in a views directory and to have a name that is the view name and template type like hello.erb. You can override the conventions if you really need to, but generally it's a good idea to learn them, if only because it makes it easier for the next developer working on your project to understand where files are located.

Your Turn: So, let's see how well you understand what we did here. Suppose we want to add this to our pages from hello: <p>There are 5 letters in your name</p>. Implement this with the following steps:

  1. Define a new variable @count and assign it the value @name.length which is the length of the @name string
  2. Include a HTML snippet in the hello.erb template to print out the letters in the name.

Nerd Note: What is with that @ in the variable name? What happens if we remove it? Suddenly our template just prints out "Hello, " Why? The simple explanation is that variables are usually only reachable or scoped within their methods. In Ruby though, instance variables on objects are defined by prefixing them with @. So, we are defining a variable that's also reachable from within the context of our rendered templates. If it didn't have that @, our template would look for a locally defined variable called name within the template and crash. But why does it print "Hello, " if our controller doesn't set @name? In that case, Ruby assumes you are defining a variable @name in your view, sets it to nil by default which is rendered in the view as an empty string. Remember that, since it's a common issue if you mistype a variable name in your template

Adding a Database

Okay, we've totally nailed the VC part of the MVC paradigm. Let's add a database and build a simple data viewer!

I've compiled a small database in this project called hunt.db that includes every hunting accident in Wisconsin between 2007 and 2013 that involved squirrels. Let's see how big this is

SQLite version 3.8.5 2014-08-15 22:37:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select count(*) from accidents;

Welcome to the world of BIG DATA. Let's look at a single record to see what it's like:

Field Value
ID 1
Final t
Date 2012-05-20
Year 2012
County Fond Du Lac
Injury Arrow struck victim half way between waistline and shoulder blades
Fatal f
Circumstances Shooter shot an arrow from inside a sliding patio...
Shooter Age 16
Shooter Gender M
Victim Age 7
Victim Gender F
Weapon Bow Premier Archery Outlaw

Shooting a 7-year-old girl with an arrow? Yikes.

Anyhow, we could construct SQL statements like select * from accidents to get our records, but this is kinda tedious and not very Ruby-like. So, instead we will use a popular Ruby library called ActiveRecord that implements a specific convention of Object-Relational Mapping. What? Huh? In English, this means it is code that allows us to load records from a DB, interact with them like they are Ruby object and save them back to the DB if we need to. It's probably easier to demonstrate, and so let's try this.

At the command line, type tux and hit enter. You should see something like this

Loading development environment (Rack 1.3)

What's this? It's waiting for our input. Tux is an add-on for Sinatra that provides what the cool kids know as a Read-Eval-Print loop or REPL. Put another way, it lets us improvise our code interactively to figure out how we want to write it. So, let's try something. I have defined an ActiveRecord model named Accident that allows us to query the accidents table in the database. So we can do things like this:

Loading development environment (Rack 1.3)
>> Accident.count
D, [2015-03-01T11:39:34.694741 #20226] DEBUG -- :    (0.2ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "accidents"
=> 22
>> a = Accident.where(shooter_gender: 'F').order('date ASC').first
D, [2015-03-01T11:39:53.869276 #20226] DEBUG -- :   Accident Load (0.3ms)  SELECT  "accidents".* FROM "accidents"  ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1
=> #<Accident id: 16, final_report: true, date: "2007-09-18", year: 2007, county: "La Crosse", injury: ".22 bullet wound to right cheek and right side of ...", fatal: false, si_sp: "SP", circumstances: "Victim squirrel hunting with husband. Shot in foot...", shooter_age: 41, shooter_gender: "F", victim_age: 62, victim_gender: "M", weapon: ".22 caliber semi-automatic rifle">
>> a.injury
=> ".22 bullet wound to right cheek and right side of neck"

What is happening here? Notice I am typing Ruby code and it is translating that into database queries to find objects and then returning Ruby types. In the second one, it returned a single Accident object that contains all the data from that record in the DB. Pretty awesome. And all it takes for us to use this in our code is to define a single subclass of ActiveRecord that defines Accident objects that are mapped to the accidents table

class Accident < ActiveRecord::Base

Nerd Note: What? How does this work? This is a perfect encapsulation of a lot of common Ruby practices in a single library:

  • Convention - by default, ActiveRecord objects are named after the upper-case singular of the object (Accident) and expect to find records in a table named with the lower-case plural (accidents). You can override this if you need to.
  • DSL - ActiveRecord defines its own helper methods for SQL database concepts like ordering or where constraints. We can use these instead of raw SQL to query our database.
  • Reflection - you don't need to explicitly tell the Accident class what the columns in the database table are or their type. Instead, it figures that out on the fly by looking at the DB's table definitions and figuring out what Ruby types best represent the database columns.
  • Metaprogramming - notice that my Accident class doesn't define an injury method, but when I call that, it works and returns the corresponding field from the database. The ActiveRecord library defines method_missing actions that look if a method is a DB column and returns that if it's not explicitly defined.
  • Magic - taken together, reflection and metaprogramming can seem pretty uncanny. Indeed, one of the common complaints against Ruby is that there is too much magic. Sometimes, magic can be a drawback. But in this case, it makes it super simple to work with databases like you are working with native Ruby objects and that's pretty cool.

So, let's build a web application.

Look at lesson_three.rb. I've defined two routes for our application:

  • The / index page will display a list of all accidents on one page
  • The /show/:id gives a detailed view of a specific accident

You can run this application by typing ruby lesson_three.rb and visiting http://localhost:4567/

Let's look also at views/index.erb which will render the index page. I've taken the liberty of writing this HTML out for you. But I wanted you to notice a few interesting things:

  • I am including the Bootstrap stylesheet to make my table look pretty. By convention, static files like stylesheets and javascript are put within the /public directory.
  • Notice how I am rendering out the rows of the table by interating through the accidents with <% @accidents.each do |accident| %>. This creates a variable named accident I can reference to display the values for each accident in the @accidents array.
  • You can also use other Ruby control flow methods to control the page output. For instance, <% if accident.self_inflicted? %>SELF<% else %><%= accident.victim_age %> yr. <%= accident.victim_gender %>. Often we move this sort of logic into separate helper methods to keep the views simple.
  • I defined a method in the Accident model named self_inflicted? that returns true if si_sp == 'SI'. I could put that condition in my view, but it's better to define an abstraction in my model for special conditions like this.
  • My code for linking to a separate show page for each accident is pretty ugly. Other frameworks like Rails offer better helpers for dynamic URL construction.

Your Turn: Okay, let's see how well you understand all this with the two simple tasks:

  1. Add a weapon column to the index page. This means adding both a header and another column in the table.
  2. Fix the show method so that it properly defines a single accident record.

Remember, you probably need to ctrl-C and restart when you edit a file. But, once you've figured this out, you've made your first Ruby web application.

Nerd Note: Let me close with one other cool thing about ActiveRecord: named scopes. I've already briefly touched on how ActiveRecord lets you define complicated SQL queries by chaining several useful methods like this

Accident.where(si_sp: 'SI').where("year < 2010").order('date DESC')

But this still requires code that calls our models to know the underlying schema of our database or that special codes like 'SI' mean self-inflicted. It's more useful if we can hide the underlying structure of our database and instead define other DB-query methods that can be called by controllers without them having to know how the model is structured. Enter named scopes, a DSL for defining these methods. The -> is shorthand for lambda, Ruby's mechanism for defining anonymous functions.

scope :fatal, -> { where(fatal: true) }
scope :self_inflicted, -> { where(si_sp: 'SI') }
scope :same_party, -> { where(si_sp: 'SP') }
scope :chronological, -> { order("date ASC") }
scope :reverse_chron, -> { order("date DESC") }


You must admit, it's pretty cool. Great job and welcome to the world of Ruby programming!