Gitpod Wagtail Develop

Develop Wagtail CMS via Gitpod.

Open in Gitpod

Use wagtail-gitpod to develop a Wagtail website.


  1. Click the Open in Gitpod button.
  2. Relax: a development environment with Wagtail and Bakery Demo will be created for you.
  3. Login at /admin/ with username admin and password changeme

More on contributing and developing.

Contribute to Wagtail

Woo-hoo, you have a working development environment and know how to make a git commit. But how do you contribute to Wagtail? Here is how to fork Wagtail, create an access token, set a remote, and submit a pull request.

Fork Wagtail

Go to and click on the Fork button in the top-right corner. It creates a new copy of Wagtail repo under your GitHub account. The URL will be

Create an access token

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Generate new token'
  3. Select 'repo'
  4. Click 'Generate token'
  5. Copy the token

Add remote

In Gitpod, in the menu choose Terminal and New Terminal.

cd wagtail
git remote add USERNAME

Create a branch and commit your work

git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
git commit -m "MESSAGE"

Submit a pull request

git push USERNAME
# remote: Create a pull request for 'BRANCH_NAME' on GitHub by visiting:
# remote:

Open the link and follow the instructions.