This is a simple python 3 script that lets you use pytube and tkinter to download a list of youtube videos to a folder.
You can use the portable executable in the repo above or download the script and run it yourself.
In order for the executable to work you may need to install Visual Studio C++ Redistributable(s) from Microsoft.
Make sure you have pytube installed by running the following command
pip3 install pytube
It also makes use of tkinter which comes with python 3
In order to use the program you simply need to run the python script. This can be done by running the following command in powershell if you have python set up correctly.
python .\
This project is under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
This mean you are free to do whatever you like with it as long as you are not distrubing closed source vertions, disclosing changes made to the project, include a copyright notice and copy of the license with any distrobutions, and understand that this license apply to any projects based on this code. For more information see the file titled COPYING.txt in the repo.
The progress bar function in the termanal is code I found on stack overflow from Github and Stack Exchange User “Greenstick”.