
This project is part of my personal portfolio, so, I'll be happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project, code, structure or anything that you can report that could make me a better developer!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Codenation: AceleraDev [Data Science]

The program

The AceleraDev is a training program for technology professionals. For 10 weeks, developers from all over Brazil participate in an acceleration with the objective of immersing themselves in a certain theme. With the support of tutors in the field, participants develop projects in projects with the market and obtain exclusive mentoring.

Built With


his project is part of my personal portfolio, so, I'll be happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project, code, structure or anything that you can report that could make me a better developer!

Email-me: harrisonhenrisn@gmail.com

Connect with me at LinkedIn.

Also, you can use this Project as you wish, be for study, be for make improvements or earn money with it!