
Alexa Skills for Node simplifies the process of creating new skills for Amazon's Alexa.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Alexa Skills for Node

Alexa Skills for Node simplifies the process of creating new skills for Alexa.


npm install alexa-skills

This module relies on the node-x509 module for verifying that the request is coming from Amazon. If you are developing on a Windows machine, you will need to install OpenSSL to the default location, "C:\OpenSSL-Win32" or "C:\OpenSSL-Win64", before installing alexa-skills. OpenSSL is required for node-x509 to compile.

Supported Card Types

Simple Card

buildSimpleCard(title, content)

Standard Card

buildStandardCard(title, text, smallImageUrl,largeImageUrl)

Account Link Card


Supported Output Types


var phrase = 'Hello World!';
	var options = {
		shouldEndSession: true,
		outputSpeech: phrase,
		card: alexa.buildCard("Card Title", phrase)


var phrase = '<speak><say-as interpret-as="spell-out">hello</say-as></speak>!';
	var options = {
		shouldEndSession: true,
		outputSSML: phrase

Session Manipulation

You can access session attributes from the 4th paramter passed to your intent function, sessionAttributes. Remember to pass it back as the 3rd paramter to alexa.send(...).


Assumes you have an intent called SessionIntent with a slot called city.

alexa.intent('SessionTest', function(req, res, slots, sessionAttributes) {

    var phrase = "";
        phrase = 'You previously said "' + sessionAttributes.previous + '". I have replaced that with "' + slots.city.value + '". Please say another city name.';
        phrase = 'You said "' + slots.city.value + '". Please say another city name.';

    sessionAttributes.previous = slots.city.value;
    var options = {
        shouldEndSession: false,
        outputSpeech: phrase

    alexa.send(req, res, options, sessionAttributes);


var express 	= require('express'),
	AlexaSkills = require('alexa-skills'),
	app			= express(),
	port 		= process.env.PORT || 8080,
	alexa = new AlexaSkills({
		express: app, // required
		route: "/", // optional, defaults to "/"
		applicationId: "your_alexa_app_id" // optional, but recommended. If you do not set this leave it blank

alexa.launch(function(req, res) {

	var phrase = "Welcome to my app!";
	var options = {
		shouldEndSession: false,
		outputSpeech: phrase,
		reprompt: "What was that?"

	alexa.send(req, res, options);

alexa.intent('Hello', function(req, res, slots) {


	var phrase = 'Hello World!';
	var options = {
		shouldEndSession: true,
		outputSpeech: phrase,
		card: alexa.buildCard("Card Title", phrase)

	alexa.send(req, res, options);

alexa.intent('Spell hello', function(req, res, slots) {


	var phrase = '<speak><say-as interpret-as="spell-out">hello</say-as></speak>!';
	var options = {
		shouldEndSession: true,
		outputSSML: phrase

	alexa.send(req, res, options);

alexa.ended(function(req, res, reason) {
