
👋 personal website

Primary LanguageMDXMIT LicenseMIT

👋 harrisonpim.com

Personal landing page / blog / cv

Built and deployed with jamstack principles in mind, using:


  • Clone this repo
  • Run yarn to install dependencies.
  • Run yarn env to link your local repo to the project on vercel and populate a local .env file with dev versions of all of the project's secrets.
  • Finally, run yarn dev to get a local version of the site running.


The site is rebuilt and deployed automatically by vercel whenever changes are detected in:

  • the content in prismic (Ideally, changes are bundled together into a release)
  • the main branch of this repo (new PRs will generate a build which is deployed to a preview URL)

As changes on either side are relatively infrequent compared to the build time, there's no problem with rebuilding the site from scratch on every change.