dietsplash ********** Simple bootsplash that aims to adhere to the KISS philosophy. It's possible to put a background and simple animations are on the way to be supported. Since bootsplashes are most likely to be done by distro maintainers and are not meant to be easily changed by user, dietsplash is developed without scripting and lots of configurations like others. Its configurations are almost all done during compile time, including custom animations. That said, dietsplash is targeted as a small bootsplash to be used in embedded systems but that can also be used on desktop. We keep it small and with not extra dependencies so all our precious I/O time can be used to actually boot faster. Compilation and installation ============================ There are no external dependencies for compiling dietsplash. It accepts some configuration values that you might want to check with: ./configure -h For the simplest case, in which images are bundled into the final binary, you can simply run: ./configure make make install This will install 2 binaries, dietsplash and dietsplashctl. The easiest way to have dietsplash up and running on your system (without even requiring an initrd image) is to use it as an init wrapper. All you have to do is to install dietsplash and append 'init=/bin/dietsplash' to your kernel command line. During compilation dietsplash will detect the real init used on system pass the correct. Kernel Dependencies =================== dietsplash can run with any kernel version, but it's good to have DEVTMPFS compiled in the kernel since we need to write to /dev/ even before the root partition is made RW. HACKING ======= When hacking, you can pass the option '--enable-maintainer-mode' (or using the provided ./bootstrap-configure script) so you can test your changes without rebooting. Don't install dietsplash with this flag enabled, otherwise you won't be able to boot.