
For the sake of learning, I'm implementing LLAMA from the ground up in my own way

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


For the sake of learning, I'm implementing LLAMA from the ground up in my own way.

Note:- The current code is in a just clean, simple and minimalistic implementation of llama

Llama Language Model Documentation

Llama Model Implementation

This code implements a scaled-down version of the Llama model architecture described in the paper "Llama: Efficient Sparse and Context-Aware Models" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.05055). It trains on the TinyShakespeare dataset of all of Shakespeare's works tokenized at the character level.


This code implements a language model using a modified Transformer architecture called "Llama." Llama incorporates three key modifications to the original Transformer model:

  1. RMSNorm for pre-normalization
  2. Rotary embeddings
  3. SwiGLU activation function

The model is trained on a text dataset using PyTorch. The training process includes tokenization, batching, and optimization.


The input text is read from the 'input.txt' file, and a vocabulary is created based on unique characters in the text. Tokenization is performed by encoding characters into numerical indices using dictionaries (itos and stoi).

The key classes and functions are:

Dataset get_batches() - Returns batches of inputs and targets from the dataset for training. Modules RMSNorm() - Implements RMS normalization layer. RoPEAttentionHead() - Self-attention head with Rotary positional embeddings. RoPEMaskedAttentionHead() - Adds causal masking to self-attention. RoPEMultiheadAttention() - Multi-headed self-attention with RoPE. SwiGLU() - SwiGLU activation function layer. LlamaBlock() - Single transformer block with RMSNorm and attention/feedforward. Llama() - Full Llama model with embeddings, blocks, and output projection. Training evaluate_loss() - Evaluates validation loss during training. train() - Performs model training with logging. generate() - Generates text from the trained model. The model is implemented incrementally, starting from a basic RNN and adding components from Llama one by one: RMSNorm, RoPE, causal masking, multi-head attention, SwiGLU, and stacked blocks. Training curves are plotted to check for improvements at each step.

Key techniques used include:

Incremental paper implementation with iterative testing and debugging Ensuring dimensionality matches at each layer Checking attention masks and gradients flow properly Tracking validation loss to evaluate model quality