
Node-RED nodes to talk to the Netatmo thermostat

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Node-RED nodes to talk to the Netatmo thermostat

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Version 0.9.1 - The client Credentials grant type removal.

Switch to Netatmo OAUTH2 authorization. Netatmo is removing username and password authorization at the end of September 2022 - https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/oauth#authorization-code. So it was necessary to switch from the "Client credentials grant type" to the "Authorization code grant type" method.

You must obtain a Netatmo API refresh token to make this node work. You can get it manually or use the simple command line program Netatmo Auth CLI.

After setting up the refresh token, the node already obtains and renews the access token itself.

Tested with:

  • Node 16 LTS
  • macOS Monterey
  • Armbian


Run command on Node-RED installation directory:

cd ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-netatmo-energy 

for global installation:

npm install -g node-red-contrib-netatmo-energy 


This node returns the user's homes and their topology associated with this netatmo account.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/energy/homesdata

Homesdata node config

Node config

  • home_id - (Optional) Id of the home
  • gateway_types - (Optional) Array of desired gateway. For Energy app, use NAPlug

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


This node returns current status and data measured for all home devices.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/energy/homestatus

Homestatus node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • device_types - (Optional) Array of device type, eg. NAPlug

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


This node returns the history of data associated to a room.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/energy#getroommeasure

Getroommeasure node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • room_id - (required) Id of the room
  • scale - (required) Timeframe between two measurements {30min, 1hour, 3hours, 1day, 1week, 1month}
  • type - (required) Type of data to be returned {temperature, sp_temperature (temperature setpoint)), min_temp, max_temp, date_min_temp, date_max_temp}, date_min_temp & date_max_temp are only available for large scales ({1day, 1week, 1month}).
  • device_types - (Optional) Array of device type, eg. NAPlug

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


This node set the home heating system to use schedule/ away/ frost guard mode.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/energy/setthermmode

Setthermmode node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • mode - (required) Heating mode, schedule or away or hg ...
  • endtime - (Optional) End time in seconds, eg. 180

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


This node set a manual temperature to a room.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/energy/setroomthermpoint

Setroomthermpoint node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • room_id - (required) Id of the room
  • mode - (required) The mode you are applying to this room - manual OR home
  • temp - (Optional) Manual temperature to apply
  • endtime - (Optional) End time in second, eg. 180

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


This node returns data from a Room.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/energy#getroommeasure

Getroommeasure node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • room_id - (required) Id of the room
  • scale - (required) Step between measurements. Values: 30min, 1hour, 3hours, 1day, 1week, 1month, max
  • type - (required) Type of requested measurements. Values: temperature, sp_temperature, min_temp, max_temp, date_min_temp
  • date_begin - (Optional) Timestamp of the first measure to retrieve. Default is null.
  • date_end - (Optional) Timestamp of the last measure to retrieve (default and max are 1024). Default is null.
  • limit - (Optional) Maximum number of measurements (default and max Are 1024)
  • optimize - (Optional) Determines the format of the answer. Default is true. For mobile apps we recommend True and False if bandwidth isn't an issue as it is easier to parse.
  • real_time - (Optional) If scale different than max, timestamps are by default offset + scale/2. To get exact timestamps, use true. Default is false


This node switches the home schedule to the given schedule.

Documentation: https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/energy#switchhomeschedule

Setthermmode node config

Node config

  • home_id - (required) Id of the home
  • schedule_id - (required) Id of the schedule to switch on

Node config can be overwritten by message payload.


Library using forked netatmo library - https://github.com/karbassi/netatmo.

The Apache License, Version 2.0