Meteor3-rc1: offline issue reproduction

How to use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run meteor npm install
  3. Run meteor
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser


  • The user is auto-loggued
  • Via Dev tools, on Network tab, put the browser offline
  • In the app, add a new link (Text + url)
  • The new link will be displayed (Client side)
  • For the server side, the method message is in the queue
  • Put back the browser on-line.
  • Results:
    • the method is applied on server side but this.userId is undefined => throw an error
    • the entry is deleted from minimongo
  • Expected results:
    • Entry is added on server side into mongodb
    • this.userId is defined on server side
  • Issue:
    • The login message in the DDP is sent after the method message