A simple .run Linux installer for Xamarin.Android
This only installs Xamarin.Android compiler to your system, this does not include the Xamarin.Android addon for MonoDevelop or anything similar to that. To install it simply do:
git clone https://github.com/cra0zy/xamarin-android-run-installer.git
sudo ./bin/xamarin-android.run
If you want to skip having to specify Android SDK/NDK each time you compile simply create a file "~/.config/xbuild/monodroid-config.xml" that looks like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<android-sdk path="/path/to/your/Android/Sdk" />
<!-- Only needs specifying in case one of them is not found in default location -->
<!-- android-ndk path="" -->
<!-- java-sdk path="" -->