
Notebooks containing code for other MAP raster work beyond gapfilling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Generic MAP raster processing code

Repository contains several ipython notebooks developed and used by Harry Gibson to process raster datasets in line with MAP requirements. Mostly just things that you might type at a command line, rather than structured code.

  • Aggregate_Rasters.ipynb: Spatially aggregate (resample down) continuous or categorical rasters (to generate 5km cubes, landcover summaries, etc)
  • CalcMeanAndSD.ipynb: Calculate synoptic data from MODIS cubes, including from-daily and from-monthly outputs
  • DiurnalDifference.ipynb: Calculate difference between LST Day and LST Night images
  • Extract_And_Align_Rasters.ipynb: Extracts sub-images from global 1km MODIS imagery, optionally realigning geotransform to match the slightly inaccurate version used in other MAP datasets
  • Mean_Topographic_Correction.ipynb: Code for reprocessing mean / standard deviation dataset for BRDF imagery prior to gapfilling, to reduce the anomalies caused by severe topographic occlusion in mountainous areas
  • PopulationReallocator.ipynb: Provides land-sea clipping functionality for population data or any other data where totals must be maintained