
An android app for events

Primary LanguageJava


An android app for events with a totally open source code that you can change as you like according to the needs of your own business. It's like a prepared food which you can warm up in a microwave oven or eat as it is. Once opened the code you will see that we didn't create design or a lot of fency stuff. But we did make it easy for others to use, reuse and change the app. Change the design, add payments settings from Paypal (we even prepared the code to make it super easy for you - just copy and paste it from Paypal API), change the name and use for your own needs.

The app uses parse.com as a server. It has a million hits limit for free usage, but for more you will need to pay. But guess what, you can chage this too! Parse is good for showing what the app capable of, but you might need your own proper server.


The code was started bu Small Business App Production, SBAP. We are a small team of two dedicated to open source.


"Полагаю, результат можно назвать «позорным провалом», но я предпочитаю термин «наработка опыта»" (c)