The perfect superfast webserver
Usage :
Head to digital ocean or wherever, create a 5-10$ server (UBUNTU 16+), login as root, and run the following :
curl -sL | sudo bash -
Run the following to create your first wordpess installation :
(replacing with your domain, no www allowed)
If you just want to install a simple site other than wordpress just run :
Then, just visit (provided you have pointed dns to your ip) and point to your mysql server.
Run the above commands for as many domains as you need. Ports used : 9921,80,22,12000-12010
Here you have it, 1.000.000 hits/per day capable wordpress instance for 10$
Script supports cloudflare, if you combine cloudflare dns and caching with varnish and w3 total cache, you cant go faster :)
Configuring mysql:
All you have to do is run sudo mysql_secure_installation
and answer the questions. You HAVE to set a password for mysql root.
Configuring phpmyadmin:
Run sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin -y
and follow the steps. Your access will be at http://your.ip:8080/phpmyadmin Note that in the first step, you are presented with 2 options, apache and lighthttpd - do not select either. Reboot in the end.
You will also need a new mysql user other than root to login remotely to this phpmyadmin instance. (if you do want something like a root user). Lets assume you want a superuser with username : mysqluser
and password : mypassword
sudo mysql -uroot -p
CREATE USER 'mysqluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html
Copy all databases from a remote phpmyadmin enabled mysql/mariadb server :
On old server :
mysql -u root -p
SET GLOBAL read_only = ON;
mysqldump --lock-all-tables -u root -p --all-databases > dump.sql
scp dump.sql root@newserver_IP:/tmp
You are done.
Do you want to migrate in stages? Just unlock the tables and start a replication using phpmyadmin:
mysql -u root -p
SET GLOBAL read_only = OFF;
Use replication tab in phpmyadmin! make the new a slave, the old the master, then make the slave the new master.
Create a db for your wordpress site :
Just head to http://your.ip:8080/phpmyadmin create a new database. Then while in this database , go under privileges and add a new user / password. Do not touch any of the options, just create.
FTP access:
No need for FTP access! Just use SFTP on port 22...But if you really want it:
sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.allowed_users
<- add user here. Default port for ftp is 9921
Also sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
<- Add to the end : DenyUsers username
sudo usermod -a -G www-data username
FTP server will run on port 9921
Cloning a github repository and have it pull continuously in the newly created host:
sudo apt-get install git
sudo su - www-data -s /bin/bash
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa
cat /var/www/.ssh/
<=== Copy the output of this. Then head to your github repo or account and add this as a deploy key.
Go to your web directory (cd /var/www/
Run git clone .
<=== Just replace this address with the repository you are cloning
create a new file : gitpull.php
in your root (obviously, add it to your repo too so it is not removed with each pull)
Add the following in the file : <?php exec(git pull) ?>
Back in your github, under webhooks in your project settings, add the url :
Easily copy other files from other webservers using ftp:
go to your public_html (cd /var/www/
sudo wget --ftp-user='username' --ftp-password='password' -nH --cut-dirs=2 -m*
(note the --cut-dirs=2 because the files are 2 subfolders deep in this example (/site/wwwroot/)
Copy all www using scp!
Make sure you have added the user you are using to connect to the www-data group.:
On the old server :
tar -zcf /tmp/www.tar.gz /var/www
sudo scp -P 22 -C /tmp/www.tar.gz linuxuser@newserver.ip:/tmp/www.tar.gz
rm -rf /tmp/www.tar.gz
On the new server run :
sudo su - www-data -s /bin/bash
tar -xf /tmp/www.tar.gz -C /
rm -rf /tmp/www.tar.gz
Exclude one of your websites from varnish:
sudo nano /etc/varnish/default.vcl
if ( == "" && req.url == "/") {return (pass);}