Chaoya Li's vim configurations
- Leader key is
- Vim folder is
- Plugin folder is
- Undo folder is
- Plugin folder is
- Clone this repo as
and make symbolic link~/.vimrc
- Install plugins using
vim +PlugInstall +qa 2> /dev/null
Uncompress vimplug.tar.xz
for offline usage. But the following plugins will be missing.
- YouCompleteMe
The following dependencies should be installed externally:
Make symbolic links as follows to configure some of these dependencies
ln -s ~/.vimconf/.eslintrc.js ~/.eslintrc.js
ln -s ~/.vimconf/.prettierrc.js ~/.prettierrc.js
YouCompleteMe needs to be compiled after installation. Go to .vimconf/vimplug/YouCompleteMe
and execute the following command to compile completion support for Go, Javascript, Rust and C/C++.
./ --go-completer --js-completer --rust-completer --clang-completer
- Quick save file:
- Save file with sudo right:
- Turn off search highlight:
- Navigation within windows:
- Maximize current window:
- Close current window:
- Toggle paste mode:
- Toggle spell check:
- Toggle NETDTree:
- Find current file in NETDTree:
- Search pattern in files:
- Search current pattern under cursor in files:
- Show git diff:
- Show git blame:
- Toggle quickfix window:
- Toggle location window:
- Go to definition under cursor:
- Format code with prettier:
- Toggle tagbar window:
- Refresh YCM diagnostics:
- Go to forward word:
- Go to backward word:
- Open list for buffers:
- Open list for MRU files:
- Choose with
- Open with
- Choose with
If you encounter color problems with tmux, add the following to .tmux.conf
set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"