@Flutter Developer | Candidate Master @Codeforces | Top 50 India (2640) @LeetCode | 6⭐ @CodeChef
Pinned Repositories
All the Codes which I have written while learning C++ from Apna College YT, the files include the lecture No and Topic Covered as its Title
all my code which i wrote during my initial phase of learning C++. the repository includes basic C++ codes, OOPS, STL, and notes related to C++
CRUD Basic SqlLite Database which works on local database functionality of App. Features included : Add Data, View Data by Query, On Data set item Long click update and Delete
flutter app, based on Github API, which fetched repositories and there data
Java Codes which I practised to understand the Syntax of Java and different features it provide
An SMS reading App which reads incoming messages and display it in a widget. the main feature of this app is that you can set from whom you want to receive message from and set which message type you want to get, Make sure to read README file
A student Teacher interaction App based on Firebase with ability to upload question, read questions, upload PDF, and read PDF. With authentication system of Login and register. And screenshot or screen record security
Python codes which contains Basic Python Programs along with NPL(Natural Language Programming) and OpenCV
A complete replica of Whatsapp with backend functionality using firebase and global state management for better performance. inhibits all major features of Whatsapp.
a world time clock, shows time of all regions along with feature of alarm, stopwatch, timer. project uses API, local DB, notifications and improved flutter UI with animations
harryboi17's Repositories
All the Codes which I have written while learning C++ from Apna College YT, the files include the lecture No and Topic Covered as its Title
all my code which i wrote during my initial phase of learning C++. the repository includes basic C++ codes, OOPS, STL, and notes related to C++
A complete replica of Whatsapp with backend functionality using firebase and global state management for better performance. inhibits all major features of Whatsapp.
a world time clock, shows time of all regions along with feature of alarm, stopwatch, timer. project uses API, local DB, notifications and improved flutter UI with animations
CRUD Basic SqlLite Database which works on local database functionality of App. Features included : Add Data, View Data by Query, On Data set item Long click update and Delete
Java Codes which I practised to understand the Syntax of Java and different features it provide
An SMS reading App which reads incoming messages and display it in a widget. the main feature of this app is that you can set from whom you want to receive message from and set which message type you want to get, Make sure to read README file
Python codes which contains Basic Python Programs along with NPL(Natural Language Programming) and OpenCV
flutter app, based on Github API, which fetched repositories and there data
My Github Profile
A student Teacher interaction App based on Firebase with ability to upload question, read questions, upload PDF, and read PDF. With authentication system of Login and register. And screenshot or screen record security