
javascript interface to the vproweather driver

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🔴 This package has been deprecated. Use vantjs instead. 🔴


Javascript/Typescript interface to any Davis Vantage Pro weather station. Based on the vproweather driver. Only works on *unix devices.


1. Driver (vproweather)

This small guide explains how to install and setup the vproweather driver that is a requirement for the vproweatherjs package.

Step 1: Downloading the driver's source

git clone https://github.com/bytesnz/vproweather

Step 2: Compiling the source

sudo apt install gcc make
cd vproweather

Step 3: Testing the driver

Make sure to test the commands the driver offers. No later than now, you should connect your Vantage Pro console to your *unix device serially. To test the connection, you need the url (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) of your device.

./vproweather --help

Step 4: Installing the driver as globally available program (important!)

This should work for the most *unix devices.

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

Add following to the end of the file:

export PATH="/your/path/to/the/cloned/repository:$PATH"

Now you should be able to access the vproweather globally via vproweather.

2. Package

npm install vproweatherjs

Basic Usage

After setting up the driver and installing the vproweatherjs package you are ready to connect seamlessly to your weather station in javascript/typescript!

import { SimpleVPDriver } from "vproweatherjs";

async function doDriverStuff(){
  const driver = new SimpleVPDriver({
      deviceUrl: "/dev/ttyUSB0" // replace with the url to your device

  // access the currently measured weather data
  const realtimeData = await driver.getRealtimeData();
  // access the highs and lows
  const highsAndLows = await driver.getHighsAndLows();
  // access the weather station's time
  const weatherStationTime = await driver.getTime();
  // synchronize the weather station's time to system time
  await driver.synchronizeTime();
  // turn the weather station's background light on
  await driver.setBackgroundLight(true);
  // access the weather station's model name
  const modelName = await driver.getModelName();


Advanced Usage

With vproweatherjs, the weather data can also be refractored into a more readable structure. Added to that there is a unit system that allows you to convert the weather data into any unit you want with minimal effort.

import { AdvancedVPDriver, Units, UnitConfig } from "vproweatherjs";

async function doDriverStuff(){
  const driver = new AdvancedVPDriver({
      deviceUrl: "/dev/ttyUSB0" // replace with the url to your device

  // access the currently measured weather data in a more structured and unit flexible way
  const realtimeData = await driver.getFlexibleRealtimeData();
  realtimeData.applyUnits(new UnitConfig({
      wind: Units.Wind.kmh,
      temperature: Units.Temperature.celsius,
  // access the highs and lows in a more structured and unit flexible way
  const highsAndLows = await driver.getFlexibleHighsAndLows();
  highsAndLows.applyUnits(new UnitConfig({
      preset: "eu",
  // access the weather station's time
  const weatherStationTime = await driver.getTime();
  // synchronize the weather station's time to system time
  await driver.synchronizeTime();
  // turn the weather station's background light on
  await driver.setBackgroundLight(true);
  // access the weather station's model name
  const modelName = await driver.getModelName();
