World Happiness Survey Data

Data from the World Values Survey includes a collection of questionnaire results for over 86,000 people in 60 countries. The questionnaire asked hundreds of questions, one being.. "how happy do you consider yourself currently?"
  • 1 – very happy
  • 2 – rather happy
  • 3 – not very happy
  • 4 – not at all happy


Data was used to:

  1. Find features that correlate most with happiness.
  2. Create model to predict subjective, self-reported happiness levels for individuals and averaged for countries.
  3. Evaluate happiness levels in countries across the world to see spatial influence.

The questionaire includes hundreds of other questions, yet some topics (e.g. health) are more closely linked to happiness.The dozen questions with the highest correlation to happiness were used to make a classification model to predict a person's happiness category (which can then be grouped for average country happiness). Various algorithms were investigated including random forest, decision tree, and nearest neighbor.