
Converts JSON chapters from Audible's web player to standard chapters.txt format

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Converts JSON chapters from Audible's web player to standard chapters.txt format

deno run --allow-read index.ts

downloading chapters.json

chapters.json is created by extracting chapter data from the Audible web player.

You need your licenserequest.json, here's how to get that:

  • Start playing a book in the Audible web player
  • Open the Network tab of devtools (and then refresh the page)
  • Look for licenserequest.json. The "type" column should be XHR
  • Copy the response and save in a file named licenserequest.json

Once you have that, you can use jq to extract just the chapters for use with this script

jq '.content_license.content_metadata.chapter_info.chapters' <licenserequest.json >chapters.json