The demo project is re-create the well-known Northwind sample database with .Net Core Entity framework technology, aka EF Core.
- .Net Core 2+
- .Net Core entity framework
- MySql 5.7+
- Ubuntu. You can choose Windows or Mac
- IDE : Visual Studio Code
The database is the same as my another repository db
Here I recap the ER diagram below
git clone
If you don't update the database name to something else instead of Northwind, you can simply change the name "Northwind" in the file appsetting.json
E.g. You can change the name to NewDatabase as follow. Don't forget to replace user and password.
"connectionString": "Server=localhost;Database=NewDatabase;User=YourUserId;Password=YourPassword;"
## Remove the database
dotnet ef database drop --force
## Create an initial migration
dotnet ef migrations add --output-dir Data -p dotnet-demo-ef Initial
## To undo above action, use
dotnet ef migrations remove
## Create the database
dotnet ef database update
SELECT * FROM Northwind.__EFMigrationsHistory;
Database reversing is not within the scope of this project, but it is a tool for schema design at the very early stage. You can refine the schema on the database and reverse the update to .net core project
- Create a scaffolding code base from existing database, e.g. ExistingDatabase
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=localhost;Database=ExistingDatabase;User=YourUserId;Password=YourPassword;" "Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql"
# Reverse the whole database
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold --force --output-dir Data "Server=localhost;Database=ExistingDatabase;User=YourUserId;Password=YourPassword;" "Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql"
# Reverse the some tables
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold --force --output-dir Data "Server=localhost;Database=ExistingDatabase;User=YourUserId;Password=YourPassword;" "Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql" --tables table_001 table_002