The primary goal of MetaMapLite to provide a near real-time named-entity recognizer which is not a rigorous as MetaMap but much faster while allowing users to customize and augment its behavior for specific purposes.
It uses some of the tables used by MetaMap but all lexical variants used in the table are pre-processed. Named Entities are found using longest match. Restriction by UMLS source and Semantic type is optional. Part-of-speech tagging which improves precision by a small amount (at the cost of speed) is also optional. Negation detection is available using either Wendy Chapman's context or a native negation detection algorithm based on Wendy Chapman's NegEx which is somewhat less effective, but faster.
It has:
- longest match based entity detection
- Negation Detection (either ConTexT or negation function based on Wendy Chapman's NegEx)
- Restriction by UMLS source and semantic type
- Part of Speech tagging (optional)
- Abbreviation detection using Lynette Hirschman's algorithm.
- Scoring approximating the original MetaMap's scoring
- MMI Ranking similar to the original MetaMap
What is missing:
- No detection of disjoint entities
- No derivational variants
- No word sense disambiguation (to be added later)
- No overmatching
- No term processing
- No dynamic variant generation
- Java 1.8 JRE
- Java 1.8 JDK
- Maven or Ant or Gradle
Example of invocation on Linux or MINGW using script:
./ [options] [<input file>|--]
Example of invocation on Windows using batch file:
metamaplite.bat [options] [<input file>|--]
Example of invocation using Java VM directly when running from the public_mm directory:
$ java -cp target/metamaplite-3.6-standalone.jar \
gov.nih.nlm.nls.ner.MetaMapLite \
--indexdir=data/ivf/strict \
--modelsdir=data/models \
--specialtermsfile=data/specialterms.txt [options] [<input file>|--]
Current options are:
input options:
-- Read from standard input
--pipe Read from standard input
Configuration Options:
--configfile=<filename> Use configuration file
--set_property=name=value set property "name" to value
--filelistfn=<filename> file containing a list of files to processed, one line per file
--filelist=<file0,file1,...> list of files to processed separated by commas
Options that can be used to override configuration file or when configuration file is not present:
--indexdir=<directory> location of program's index directory
--modelsdir=<directory> location of models for sentence breaker and part-of-speech tagger
--specialtermsfile=<filename> location of file of terms to be excluded
document processing options:
--freetext Text with no markup.
--ncbicorpus NCBI Disease Corpus: tab separated fields: id \t title \t abstract
--chemdner CHEMDNER document: tab separated fields: id \t title \t abstract
--chemdnersldi CHEMDNER document: id with pipe followed by tab separated fields: id |t title \t abstract
Use input format specified by loader name.
output options:
--bioc|cdi|bc|bc-evaluate output compatible with evaluation program bc-evaluate
--mmilike|mmi similar to MetaMap Fielded MMI output
--brat BRAT annotation format
processing options:
Set method for text segmentation
--segment_sentences Segment text by sentence
--segment_blanklines Segment text by blankline
--segment_lines Segment text by line
--usecontext Use ConText Negation Detector instead of NLM's implementation of NegEx
Use a user-defined class for negation detector, class must implement to
gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.lite.NegationDetector interface.
List of part-of-speech tags to use for term lookup (each Penn Treebank
part-of-speech tag is separated by commas.)
alternate output options:
--list_sentences list sentences in input
--list_acronyms list acronyms in input if present.
--list_sentences_postags list sentences in input with part-of-speech tags
These properties can be set using a System property (-D{propertyname}={value}).
| | load configuration from file (default: ./config/
These properties can be set using a System property (-D{propertyname}={value}) or in configuration file.
| metamaplite.document.inputtype | document input type (default: freetext)
| metamaplite.outputextension | result output file extension (default: .mmi)
| metamaplite.outputformat | result output format (default: mmi)
| metamaplite.segmentation.method | Set method for text segmentation (values: SENTENCES, BLANKLINES, LINES; default: SENTENCES)
| metamaplite.sourceset | use only concepts from listed sources (default: all)
| metamaplite.semanticgroup | use only concepts belonging to listed semantic types (default: all)
| metamaplite.negation.detector | negation detector class: default: gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.lite.NegEx
| metamaplite.normalized.string.cache.size | set maximum size of string -> normalized string cache
| metamaplite.normalized.string.cache.enable | if true enable string -> normalized string cache
| metamaplite.entitylookup4.term.concept.cache.enable | if true enable term -> concept info cache
| metamaplite.entitylookup4.term.concept.cache.size | set maximum size of term -> concept info cache
| metamaplite.entitylookup4.cui.preferredname.cache.enable | if true enable cui -> preferred name cache
| metamaplite.entitylookup4.cui.preferredname.cache.size | set maximum size cui -> preferred name cache
| metamaplite.excluded.termsfile | cui/terms pairs that are exclude from results (default: data/specialterms.txt)
| | the directory the indexes resides (sets the following properties)
| metamaplite.ivf.cuiconceptindex | cui/concept/preferredname index
| metamaplite.ivf.cuisourceinfoindex | cui/sourceinfo index
| metamaplite.ivf.cuisemantictypeindex | cui/semantictype index
| | the directory the models resides (sets the following properties. default: data/models)
| opennlp.en-pos.bin.path | (default: data/models/en-pos-maxent.bin)
| opennlp.en-token.bin.path | (default: data/models/en-token.bin)
| opennlp.en-sent.bin.path | (default: data/models/en-sent.bin)
| metamaplite.enable.postagging | Enable part of speech tagging (default: "true" [on])
| metamaplite.postaglist | List of part-of-speech tags to use for term lookup
| (each Penn Treebank part-of-speech tag is separated by commas.)
| metamaplite.enable.scoring | turn on chunker (currently OpenNLP's chunker) and score concepts.
Creating properties for configuring MetaMapLite Instance:
Properties myProperties = new Properties();
Loading properties file in "config":
myProperties.load(new FileReader("config/"));
Creating a metamap lite instance:
MetaMapLite metaMapLiteInst = new MetaMapLite(myProperties);
Creating a document list with one or more documents:
BioCDocument document = FreeText.instantiateBioCDocument("diabetes");
List<BioCDocument> documentList = new ArrayList<BioCDocument>();
Getting a list of entities for the document list:
List<Entity> entityList = metaMapLiteInst.processDocumentList(documentList);
Traversing the entity list displaying cui and matching text:
List<Entity> entityList = metaMapLiteInst.processDocumentList(documentList);
for (Entity entity: entityList) {
for (Ev ev: entity.getEvSet()) {
System.out.print(ev.getConceptInfo().getCUI() + "|" + entity.getMatchedText());
Disable the Part of Speech Tagger using the following property: "metamaplite.enable.postagging=false". Add the following line right before instantiating the MetaMapLite instance.
myProperties.setProperty("metamaplite.enable.postagging", "false");
MetaMapLite metaMapLiteInst = new MetaMapLite(myProperties);
Add each term as a single document:
BioCDocument document = FreeText.instantiateBioCDocument(term);
A extensive example of providing a servlet complete with data and configuration files in the war (web archive) file is available on the MetaMap website on the MetaMapLite web page (
Below is an alternate configuration for users who don't want to place the configuration and data in webapp deployment archive file (war).
Place the "" file in the tomcat "conf/" directory and specify that in servlet:
public class SampleWebApp extends HttpServlet {
/** location of configuration file */
static String configPropertyFilename =
System.getProperty("", "conf/");
Properties properties;
MetaMapLite metaMapLiteInst;
public SampleWebApp() {
try { = new Properties();
// default properties that can be overriden"metamaplite.ivf.cuiconceptindex","data/ivf/strict/indices/cuiconcept");
// load user properties FileReader(configPropertyFilename));
this.metaMapLiteInst = new MetaMapLite(;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
The absolute locations of indexes and model files can be specified in "".
From public_mm_lite directory install Context, BioC, and NLS NLP libraries
$ mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=lib/context-2012.jar \
-DgroupId=context \
-DartifactId=context \
-Dversion=2012 \
$ mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=lib/bioc-1.0.1.jar \
-DgroupId=bioc \
-DartifactId=bioc \
-Dversion=1.0.1 \
$ mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=lib/nlp-2.4.C.jar \
-DgroupId=gov.nih.nlm.nls \
-DartifactId=nlp \
-Dversion=2.4.C \
Then install metamaplite into your local Maven repository:
$ mvn install
Add the following dependency to your webapps pom.xml:
Currently, three tables are used:
- cuisourceinfo
- cuisemantictype (cuist)
- cuiconcept
Two new indexes have been introduced to support scoring similar to the original MetaMap and MMI ranking of which MetaMap scoring is a component.
- treecodes - an indexing of MeSH Terms and their associated positions in MeSH hierarchy.
- vars - an index of terms and their lexical variants.
NOTE: Currently, the only mechanism for generating the treecodes and vars (variants) tables from a UMLS subset (generated by Metamorphosys) is by installing the original MetaMap and the Data File Builder using the Data Builder to generate the necessary Treecodes and Vars table files. See the next section for information on adding these indices to a custom dataset.
The CreateIndexes class generates tables cuiconcept, cuisourceinfo, and cuist from MRCONSO.RRF and MRSTY.RRF and then produces corresponding indexes for tables. If the variants file, vars.txt, and the treecodes file, mesh_tc_relaxed.txt, are present in the directory {ivfdir}/tables then those files will be indexed as well.
java -Xmx5g -cp target/metamaplite-<version>-standalone.jar \
gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.dfbuilder.CreateIndexes <mrconsofile> <mrstyfile> <ivfdir>
The resulting indices are in /indices. The tables the indexes are generated from are in /tables.
You can use the class irutils.MappedMultiKeyIndexLookup to check the new indexes:
java -Xmx20g -cp target/metamaplite-<version>-standalone.jar \
irutils.MappedMultiKeyIndexLookup lookup workingdir indexname column query
For example:
java -Xmx20g -cp target/metamaplite-<version>-standalone.jar \
irutils.MappedMultiKeyIndexLookup lookup data/ivf/2016AB/USAbase/strict cuisourceinfo 3 heart
To use the new indexes do one of the following:
Use the --indexdir= option:
java -cp target/metamaplite-<version>-standalone.jar \
gov.nih.nlm.nls.ner.MetaMapLite --indexdir=<ivfdir> <other-options> <other-args>
Or modify the configuration file config/
metamaplite.ivf.cuiconceptindex: <ivfdir>/indices/cuiconcept
mmetamaplite.ivf.cuisourceinfoindex: <ivfdir>/indices/cuisourceinfo
metamaplite.ivf.cuisemantictypeindex: <ivfdir>/indices/cuist
New document loader class must conform to BioCDocumentLoader interface.
Example implementations of BioCDocumentLoader are available in public_mm_lite/src/main/java/gov/nih/nlm/nls/metamap/document and on Github:
One can add a document loader class in MetaMapLite's classpath to MetaMapLite's list of document loaders by adding it to the properties using System properties or modifying MetaMapLite's configuration file:
Set as system property:
-Dbioc.document.loader.<name>=<fully-specified class name>
For example creating a loader with the name "qadocument":
Or add it to config/
bioc.document.loader.qadocument: gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.document.QAKeyValueDocument
An example of using the new custom document format through a properties:
For example:
On the command line use the ‘inputformat=’:
New result formatter class must conform to ResultFormatter interface. One can add the result formatter to MetaMapLite by adding its class file to MetaMapLite's classpath and then adding a reference to it as a property:
Set as system property:
-Dmetamaplite.result.formatter.<name>=<fully-specified class name>
For example creating a formatter with the name "bratsemtype":
Or add it to config/
metamaplite.result.formatter.brat: examples.BratSemType
Source code for the BratSemType result formatter is provided in the directory public_mm_lite/src/main/java/examples/
The class gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.lite.BioCProcess allows MetaMapLite to process BioC XML input and write the results in BioC XML.
Below is an example using BioC Processing with MetaMapLite
// Initialize MetaMapLite
Properties defaultConfiguration = getDefaultConfiguration();
String configPropertiesFilename =
Properties configProperties = new Properties();
// set any in-line properties here.
configProperties.load(new FileReader(configPropertiesFilename));
Properties properties =
BioCProcess process = new BioCProcess(properties);
// read BioC XML collection
Reader inputReader = new FileReader(inputFile);
BioCFactory bioCFactory = BioCFactory.newFactory("STANDARD");
BioCCollectionReader collectionReader =
BioCCollection collection = collectionReader.readCollection();
// Run named entity recognition on collection
BioCCollection newCollection = process.processCollection(collection);
// write out the annotated collection
File outputFile = new File(outputFilename);
Writer outputWriter = new PrintWriter(outputFile, "UTF-8");
BioCCollectionWriter collectionWriter = bioCFactory.createBioCCollectionWriter(outputWriter);
This process attempts to preserve any annotation present in the original BioC XML input. Some annotations applied to BioC structures before entity lookup, including `tokenization and part-of-speech-tagging, are discarded before the writing out the final annotated collection. This occurs in the entity lookup class BioCEntityLookup (java package: gov.nih.nlm.nls.metamap.lite).
The file is a wrapper for the BioC to BioC pipeline.
./ <bioc-xml-input-file> <bioc-xml-output-file>
Note that the class is missing the command line options handler that is present in the gov.nih.nlm.nls.ner.MetaMapLite class, use the config/ file to set any custom properties or place the properties in another custom file and use the system property "metamaplite.propertyfile" to refer to the custom file.
The current version of the BioCProcess class does not call the abbreviation detector or the negation detector. This should be relatively simple to add (particularly the abbreviation detector) and will probably be added in the next release.
- Add support for composite phrases from chunked phrases
- Create a ReSTful interface for MetaMapLite.
- Create a pipeline using a full parser.
- Add a mechanism to use custom user-supplied segmenters.