
Android implementation of code challenge from: challenge.orainteractive.com

Primary LanguageJava


Android implementation of code challenge from: challenge.orainteractive.com

##Installation Download OraChat.apk and place it on your Android device and install it manually. [Note: You might need to enable install apps from unknown sources in your device's settings.]

##How to build This is a gradle based project that was built using Android Studio and works best with it.

To build the app:

  1. Install the following software: - Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html - Gradle: http://www.gradle.org/downloads - Android Studio: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/studio.html

  2. Run the Android SDK Manager by pressing the SDK Manager toolbar button in Android Studio or by running the 'android' command in a terminal window.

  3. In the Android SDK Manager, ensure that the following are installed, and are updated to the latest available version: - Tools > Android SDK Platform-tools - Tools > Android SDK Tools - Tools > Android SDK Build-tools - Android 7.0 > SDK Platform (API 24) - Extras > Android Support Repository - Extras > Android Support Library

  4. Create a file in your working directory called local.properties, containing the path to your Android SDK.

  5. Import the project in Android Studio:

    1. Press File > Import Project
    2. Navigate to and choose the settings.gradle file in this project
    3. Press OK
  6. Choose Build > Make Project in Android Studio or run the following command in the project root directory:

     ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
  7. To install on your test device:

     ./gradlew installDebug