
A library that automatically updates the plugin in poggit

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A PocketMine-MP Virion for automatically updates the plugin in poggit.


Installation is easy, you may get a compiled phar here, integrate the virion itself into your plugin or you could also use it as a composer library by running the command below:

composer require davidglitch04/pluginupdater


To have the plugin automatically update when a new update is available, copy the following to your defaults config.yml.

  # Current version of the plugin
  "version": "1.0.0-beta"
  # Link to get new update information
  "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<Username>/<Repositories>/<Branches>/poggit_news.json"
  # This section helps users to turn off autoupdate
  "enable": true

Update information

In order for the plugin to automatically download new plugin updates, create a file poggit_news.json in the repositories.

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "time": 1652576220,
  "link": "Release link",
  "download_link": "Download link",
  "patch_notes": "Note of new version"

"version" is the latest version of the plugin
"time" is time to release a new version
"link" is the link of the new version "download_link" is the link for the plugin to download the update, for example: https://poggit.pmmp.io/r/175835/iLand_dev-66.phar
"patch_notes" is the information of the new version

Initialization and Finalization

use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use davidglitch04\PluginUpdater\PluginUpdater;

class Main extends PluginBase
    public function onEnable() : void{
        $PluginUpdater = PluginUpdater::checkUpdate($this, $this->getConfig()->get("AutoUpdater"));
    public function getPathFile() : string{
		return $this->getFile();