
Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ionic Conference Application

This is purely a demo of Ionic with TypeScript. It is still in development.


There is not an actual Ionic Conference at this time. This project is just to show off Ionic components in a real-world application. Please go through the steps in CONTRIBUTING.md before submitting an issue.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  • Download the installer for Node.js 6 or greater.
  • Install the ionic CLI globally: npm install -g ionic
  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-conference-app.git.
  • Run npm install from the project root.
  • Run ionic serve in a terminal from the project root.
  • Profit. 🎉

Note: You may need to add “sudo” in front of any global commands to install the utilities.



Use Cases

App Preview

Try it live

All app preview screenshots were taken by running ionic serve --lab on a retina display.


  • PWA - Un-comment this, run npm run ionic:build --prod and then push the www folder to your favorite hosting service
  • Android - Run ionic cordova run android --prod
    • If you are deploying to Android 4.4 or below we recommend adding crosswalk: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
  • iOS - Run ionic cordova run ios --prod

File Structure of App

├-- .github/                            * GitHub files
│   ├── CONTRIBUTING.md                 * Documentation on contributing to this repo
│   └── ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md               * Template used to populate issues in this repo
|-- resources/
|-- src/
|    |-- app/
|    |    ├── app.component.ts
|    |    └── app.module.ts
|    |    └── app.template.html
|    |    └── main.ts
|    |
|    |-- assets/
|    |    ├── data/
|    |    |    └── data.json
|    |    |
|    |    ├── fonts/
|    |    |     ├── ionicons.eot
|    |    |     └── ionicons.svg
|    |    |     └── ionicons.ttf
|    |    |     └── ionicons.woff
|    |    |     └── ionicons.woff2
|    |    |
|    |    ├── img/
|    |
|    |-- pages/                          * Contains all of our pages
│    │    ├── about/                     * About tab page
│    │    │    ├── about.html            * AboutPage template
│    │    │    └── about.ts              * AboutPage code
│    │    │    └── about.scss            * AboutPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── account/                   * Account page
│    │    │    ├── account.html          * AccountPage template
│    │    │    └── account.ts            * AccountPage code
│    │    │    └── account.scss          * AccountPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── login/                     * Login page
│    │    │    ├── login.html            * LoginPage template
│    │    │    └── login.ts              * LoginPage code
│    │    │    └── login.scss            * LoginPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── map/                       * Map tab page
│    │    │    ├── map.html              * MapPage template
│    │    │    └── map.ts                * MapPage code
│    │    │    └── map.scss              * MapPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── schedule/                  * Schedule tab page
│    │    │    ├── schedule.html         * SchedulePage template
│    │    │    └── schedule.ts           * SchedulePage code
│    │    │    └── schedule.scss         * SchedulePage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── schedule-filter/            * Schedule Filter page
│    │    │    ├── schedule-filter.html   * ScheduleFilterPage template
│    │    │    └── schedule-filter.ts     * ScheduleFilterPage code
│    │    │    └── schedule-filter.scss   * ScheduleFilterPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── session-detail/            * Session Detail page
│    │    │    ├── session-detail.html   * SessionDetailPage template
│    │    │    └── session-detail.ts     * SessionDetailPage code
│    │    │
│    │    │── signup/                    * Signup page
│    │    │    ├── signup.html           * SignupPage template
│    │    │    └── signup.ts             * SignupPage code
│    │    │
│    │    │── speaker-detail/            * Speaker Detail page
│    │    │    ├── speaker-detail.html   * SpeakerDetailPage template
│    │    │    └── speaker-detail.ts     * SpeakerDetailPage code
│    │    │    └── speaker-detail.scss   * SpeakerDetailPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── speaker-list/              * Speakers tab page
│    │    │    ├── speaker-list.html     * SpeakerListPage template
│    │    │    └── speaker-list.ts       * SpeakerListPage code
│    │    │    └── speaker-list.scss     * SpeakerListPage stylesheet
|    |    |
│    │    │── support/                   * Support page
│    │    │    ├── support.html          * SupportPage template
│    │    │    └── support.ts            * SupportPage code
│    │    │    └── support.scss          * SupportPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    │── tabs/                      * Tabs page
│    │    │    ├── tabs.html             * TabsPage template
│    │    │    └── tabs.ts               * TabsPage code
│    │    │
│    │    └── tutorial/                  * Tutorial Intro page
│    │         ├── tutorial.html         * TutorialPage template
│    │         └── tutorial.ts           * TutorialPage code
│    │         └── tutorial.scss         * TutorialPage stylesheet
|    |
│    ├── providers/                      * Contains all Injectables
│    │     ├── conference-data.ts        * ConferenceData code
│    │     └── user-data.ts              * UserData code
│    ├── theme/                          * App theme files
|    |     ├── variables.scss            * App Shared Sass Variables
|    |
|    |-- index.html
|-- www/
|    ├── assets/
|    |    ├── data/
|    |    |    └── data.json
|    |    |
|    |    ├── fonts/
|    |    |     ├── ionicons.eot
|    |    |     └── ionicons.svg
|    |    |     └── ionicons.ttf
|    |    |     └── ionicons.woff
|    |    |     └── ionicons.woff2
|    |    |
|    |    ├── img/
|    |
|    └── build/
|    └── index.html
├── .editorconfig                       * Defines coding styles between editors
├── .gitignore                          * Example git ignore file
├── LICENSE                             * Apache License
├── README.md                           * This file
├── config.xml                          * Cordova configuration file
├── ionic.config.json                   * Ionic configuration file
├── package.json                        * Defines our JavaScript dependencies
├── tsconfig.json                       * Defines the root files and the compiler options
├── tslint.json                         * Defines the rules for the TypeScript linter