Welcome to DevelopMe_ Coding Fellowships first week. Here you will find all the class resources, presentations, lessons, exercises, talks and further reading from everything we cover within the first two weeks of the course.
This is a living breathing syllabus, which means it is changed and updated regularly to reflect the web industry.
If you are looking for a specific version of this syllabus, say you were on fellowship number eight for instance, check out the versions for the repo. There's one to reflect every cohort.
The introduction presentation can be found here
You can find all the contents for day one in the folder here.
- Intro
- Overview of development
- HTML sectioning elements
- HTML content elements
- HTML page structure
- Practise by 'marking up' some mock content pages
You can find all the content for day two here in this folder.
- CSS intro
- CSS basic styling
- CSS colours
- CSS box model
- CSS sizing units
- CSS media queries
You can find all the content for day three here in this folder
- Design and photoshop
- Week project: Making a homepage
- HTML form elements
You can find all the content for day four here in this folder
- Flexbox
- Webfonts
You can find all the content for day five here in this folder
- Uploading your code
- Testing & performance
- Quiz
Should you finish the homepage completely, there's another design to be found here
Do it first, but you can check the code here