
This package provides a wrapper around the Tencent TCPlayer library, making it easy to incorporate a feature-rich video player into your JavaScript or TypeScript application.


npm install @542.digital/tencent-video-player
yarn add @542.digital/tencent-video-player


import { VideoPlayer } from "@542.digital/tencent-video-player";

// Create a new player instance with your options
const player = new VideoPlayer(options);

// Add the player to your HTML
<audio id="player-container-id"></audio>;

player.init("player-container-id", window.TCPlayer);


constructor(options: PlayerOptions)

  • Description: Creates a new VideoPlayer instance.
  • Parameters:
    • options: The options for the video player (PlayerOptions).
  • Returns: A new VideoPlayer instance.

init(elementId: string)

  • Description: Adds the video player to the DOM inside the specified element.
  • Parameters:
    • elementId: The ID of the HTML Video element in which to insert the video player (string).
      • Must be a valid HTML Video element.
    • player: The TCPlayer instance to use (TCPlayer).
      • Optional. If not provided, a new TCPlayer instance will be created.
  • Returns: void


  • Description: Starts or resumes video playback.
  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: void


  • Description: Returns the percentage of the video that has been played.
  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: The percentage of the video that has been played (string).

on(eventType: PlayerEventType, callback: Function)

  • Description: Adds an event listener to the video player.
  • Parameters:
    • eventType: The type of the event (PlayerEventType). All event types here.
    • callback: The function to call when the event occurs (Function).
  • Returns: void


// Create a new player
const options = {
  appID: "your-app-id",
  fileID: "your-file-id",
  psign: "your-psign",
  width: "640",
  height: "360",
  // ... other options
const player = new VideoPlayer(options);
<video id="player-container-id"></video>;
// Add the player to your HTML
player.init("player-container-id", TCPlayer);

// Play the video

// Log the percentage of the video that has been played every second
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

// Listen for the 'play' event
player.on("play", () => {
  console.log("Video playback started");

player.on("timeupdate", () => {


This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.