
Backup your Slack history.

Primary LanguagePython


Since I don't work on this any more for 2 years and it may not work, I don't have time to fix issues yet. If anyone want to use a free version of Slack , just go here: https://workjoy.online


Slack is great, it would be better if you can easily back-up all Slack chat history into your secured host automatically and help browsing history easily .

Preinstall Requiments:

  • python 2.7
  • virtualenv

If you want to test locally, you should install all modules in requirements.txt into your virtualenv.

You can use a free hosted service here:


Installation in Heroku

Clone the source code into your local machine

git clone git@github.com:suoinguon/slack-backup.git

Install heroku toolbelt


Create an heroku app

cd slack-backup

heroku create    

Push source code into heroku

git push heroku master    

Create database schema

heroku run python manage.py migrate

Get your Slack client_id and client_secret


Set heroku environment variables with your client_id & client_secret

heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_ID=[your_client_id]    

heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET=[your_client_secret]    

Add Heroku Sendgrid and Scheduler

heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter    

heroku addons:add scheduler    

Set cron job for to automatically back-up your slack history

Open the scheduler

heroku addons:open scheduler


Add follow in command into your heroku schedule, set frequency to "Every 10 minutes"

python manage.py parse_channels    

Open and start using it

heroku open    

Don't know heroku & don't have time? I can help you to deploy.

hong (at) vietnamdevelopers.com