Rmarkdown is a pretty awesome tool for literature programming.
This repo aims for collecting awesome Rmarkdown resources togather.
- fork this project.
- Add your resources by pull request.
- template: A template for my research projects, based on the R package structure
- knitr: A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
- attachment: Tools to deal with dependencies in scripts, Rmd and packages
- rmdformats: HTML output formats for RMarkdown documents
- pagedown: Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print
thesisdown: An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package
rmdTemplates: R package containing a collection of Rmarkdown templates
uiucthemes: RMarkdown Templates for UIUC Theme-Oriented Documents(e.g. UIUC Beamer)
ucbthesis: Latex, Knitr, and RMarkdown templates for UC Berkeley’s graduate thesis.