
iSpy CMSSW Analyzers

Primary LanguageC++

iSpy CMSSW Analyzers

This package is for production of event display files for the CMS experiment at the LHC. More information on the output format can be found here: http://cms-outreach.github.io/ispy/

To use:

  • Create a CMSSW environment:
    cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_15
  • Change to the CMSSW_10_2_15/src/ directory:
    cd CMSSW_10_2_15/src/
  • Initialize the CMSSW environment:
  • Clone the necessary source code:
    git clone -branch embedding https://github.com/harrypuuter/ispy-analyzers.git ISpy/Analyzers 
    git clone https://github.com/harrypuuter/ispy-services.git ISpy/Services
  • Compile the code with the command:
    scram b
  • Once compiled, change to ISpy/Analyzers:
    cd ISpy/Analyzers
  • Run the example configuration file:
    cmsRun ispy_embedding.py
  • View the ouput in ispy, clone ispy webgl
    git clone -branch embedding https://github.com/harrypuuter/ispy-webgl.git

and open


in the Browser (the loading screen can be removed by clicking)