
AiStories - Generate Storybooks for your kids using Artificial Intelligence

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Generate stories for your kids using Artificial Intelligence

Add main characters (your kids), secondary characters (their friends) and a little excerpt and click Generate. A story with images and multiple pages will be generated.

The software uses OpenAI GPT-3 (Davinci-003 and Dall-E) to generate the stories, summaries, titles and images.

The software's Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails + Hotwire.


Benjamín Silva
Donate if you liked the project? 🍻


How to create a story:

Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 02 25 42

What the stories look like:


Ruby version


Rails version


System dependencies

  • Redis (for websockets)
  • Libvips (for ActiveStorage)
  • PostgreSQL


  • mv .env-example .env
  • Run bin/rails db:encryption:init and copy each key to the .env file
  • Create an OpenAI API Token at https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys
  • Create a user and add the OpenAI API Token in the settings (it will be encrypted before stored 🔐 ✅)

Database creation

bin/rails db:create

Database initialization

bin/rails db:schema:load

Dependencies installation

  • bundle install
  • yarn install

How to run the app

How to run the test suite

No tests yet for this toy project yet.


Please send Issues and/or PR
Be kind.


AiStories is released under the MIT License.