
A simple ray tracer for a lab project at University of Freiburg, Germany

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The code base currently undergoes refactoring and some of the components could be ill-functioning or not functioning at all.

Building elucido

elucido uses Cmake as its build system. Following external libraries are used:

  • OpenGL Mathematics ver. 0.9.8 (glm): a header only C++ math library. The library is ued to provide robust implementation for manipulations on matrices and vectors.
  • png++ ver. 0.2: a C++ wrapper for the libpng library. The library is used to save rendered images into *.png graphics file format.
  • Google Test (gtest): a C++ testing framework.

The source file for both libraries glm and png++ reside in the include/ directory. Although to be able to use and build png++ one needs to have libpng installed. Installation instructions for it can be found on the libpng webpage.

To be able to run the tests, one needs to have gtest installed.


There is a folder inside tests called test_resources, which contains files needed for testing (e.g. example test scenes, object files, etc.). This folder needs to be placed in the folder, where the compiled test-executable resides.