An API server for ALPHA Camp Simple Twitter project.
👉 API Server URL
👉 GitHub Pages (In Progress)
- Clone repository to your local computer
$ git clone
- Install by npm
$ npm install
- Create .env file in root directory and add your PORT, IMGUR CLIENTID and JWT_SECRET (You can apply from imgur)
- Make sure your DB is ready then using seed data
npx sequelize db:seed:all
- Execute
$ npm run dev
- Terminal show the message
Example app listening on port 3000!
Now you can call APIs from server
- Node.js: 12.16.2
- bcryptjs: 2.4.3
- body-parser: 1.18.3
- chai: 4.2.0
- cors: 2.8.5
- dotenv: 8.2.0
- express: 4.16.4
- faker: 4.1.0
- imgur-node-api: 0.1.0
- jsonwebtoken: 8.5.1
- method-override": 3.0.0
- mocha: 6.0.2
- moment: 2.27.0
- multer: 1.4.2
- mysql2: 1.6.4
- passport: 0.4.1
- passport-jwt: 4.0.0
- pg: 8.3.0
- sequelize: 5.8.6
- sequelize-cli: 5.5.0
- sinon: 7.2.3
- sinon-chai: 3.3.0
Harry Lu、Justin Huang 黃士庭