Background and Overview

Dynamite Hero is based off of guitar hero where you hit notes aligned with a song as they come at you. This time, you are playing to Napolean Dynamite's sweet moves!

Live Demo


  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Canvas

Code Highlights

Hitting Notes

There is a keydown Eventlistener and when the player hits a key that is designated for a specific button, the game lights up the button and checks to see if there is a collision between the x-axis of the left and right side of the buttons and notes (I gave people a little wiggle room).

    document.addEventListener("keydown",, false);

    conflict(button) {
        if (this.x < button.right+8 && this.x > button.x-8) {
          return true;
        return false;


Using some circular motion, I developed a disco ball. the particles inside the ball change velocity based on your streak. A streak goes up to 3 and down to -3. The game starts you off at 0.

if ({
    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height)

update(strk) {
    if(strk === 0) {
      this.velocity = .04;
    } else if (strk ===1) {
      this.velocity =.05
    } else if (strk ===2) {
      this.velocity =.06
    } else if (strk ===3) {
      this.velocity =.07
    } else if (strk ===-1) {
      this.velocity =.04
    } else if (strk ===-2) {
      this.velocity =.03
    } else if (strk ===-3) {
      this.velocity =.02